Chapter Forty-three: offsprings

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Carswell's viewpoint

   Flame, I had been engulfed in flames for days. The flame burnt hot and deadly, scorching but not enough to kill me. I was in the middle of the circle of fire, the tall lava red and golden flame. The ground matched the red of the flames, almost as if I was sitting on lava. But it didn't bother me.

   I had been sitting in the middle with eyes close and cross-legged, just feeling the heat of the flame and watching it dance to my breathing with eyes closed. I had to endure and concentrate enough for days before I would be able to wake him up.

   It was hard concentrating when I kept feeling like something was wrong out there with Xyra and my people. I felt like I was needed out there, Emperor was greatly bothered by it. But we knew we had to stay where we were, for their sake as well as ours. I also knew that if anything should ever happen, Xyra and Caesar would be able to hold it off long enough for me to return.


   The flames in my eyes changed colour, at least the red in it changed to white. I smiled with relief and opened my eyes, he was finally awake. The flame in front of me parted, opened up like a door to reveal him, the dragon spirit that lived in me. His body was just like Emperor's, only that his was scales instead of fur and his eyes had gold irises, not red but the cornea was lava red. He puffed out steam from his nose and shook his head, his weird gem hair shaking with it.

   "It's rare for you to wake me. The last time you did, we completed the merging. What do you want this time?"

   "Don't you already know?" I asked, rolling my eyes disrespectfully. We had never gotten along since I blamed him for choosing me, for putting me under a curse he calls blessing. He would always chuckle and smile, saying Selene and him came to an agreement, one I didn't need to know.

   "Carswell, always a pleasure to see you," he chuckled as always, "what do you want from me this time, son?"

   "I need to find the chronicle of time but it is said to be in the possession of the thousand tailed fox whose location is only known by you. But I'm sure you already know that." I replied brusquely.

   He chuckled deeply again. "I only see things when I need to, not when I have to. I sleep for a reason, Carswell, being awake all the time is dangerous for you."

   "Okay, whatever you say. Now, may I know where the fox is? It is very important,"

   "I am aware of it importance, also aware of why you need it." He lazily swept his tail to the side, his heavy spiky tail that whipped the fire further away from the circle.

   "So, you do know what I am here. You knew what I was looking for from the very beginning, even before I found out that you have the information," I stated boredly. He rolled his eyes innocently, "why didn't you just tell me from the beginning?"

   "If we do everything for mortals, how would they learn?" Was his brilliant reply. I sighed and rubbed my eyebrow tiredly. I had been in my mind for days, no food and no mate. I didn't have the energy to deal with his smart retort. He was very clever and knew how to turn one's question into a whole new confusing theory. He hadn't even started and I didn't want him to.

   "Okay, where is the fox?"

   "Dead." He deadpanned. I rolled my eyes.

   "I don't have the energy for this, please, I really need to know. My mate's life and others are in danger…"

   "I know what I said, young lycan, the fox is dead. The fox died hundreds of years ago, way before you were born… Actually, the day the first host was born. Then, I lived in my body, waiting for his birth for me to pass into him. The fox came to me, he was dying but couldn't die just like that. In his obsession to protect the book and his other treasures, he forgot that he was the last of his kind and did not produce any offspring. And unlike me, his spirit cannot be transferred for he is no dragon god."

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