Chapter Thirty-one: And it can be found at...?

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Zephyr's viewpoint

   "Oh come on, April, just this once," I pleaded.

   "Zephyr, I am not going to help you do your assignment again, for the tenth time this week," she replied evenly, flipping to the next page of her book. I whimpered and kicked against the bed.

   "But why? I thought you were my friend,"

   "As a friend, it is wrong of me to continue spoiling you. I am not helping you again," she said, still reading her book.

   "Oh, please, April, just this once…"

   "You have been saying that for the last forever," Moira laughed. I turned and shot her a dirty look which made her titter.

   "Don't act like the reason you are here is not to beg for the same thing I have spent three hours begging and whining for," I said chidingly. She blushed sheepishly and placed her finger in her mouth, "see? We both need her." We were twelve, I could remember it perfectly.

   That week, Lady Ursula gave us an assignment, the entire school was to write about an ancient history amongst paranormals and supernaturals, even the ones that have long been extinct or impossible to find. We were to submit it and read it in front of the school assembly, to enlighten us of old facts. According to her, even if it seem as though it wasn't useful, it would come to us in the future if we were ever to need it for anything.

And indeed, it was useful.

   "I am not helping you guys, okay? I need to decide between these three ancient things on which one to choose," April said with a look of annoyance. She had two books sprawled on the bed while the third was in her hands.

   I bounced myself to my knees with excitement and hope glimmering in my eyes. "We'll help you select, would you help us, please?" I clasped my hands together and gave her my most cutest eyes and pout.

   She looked at my face coldly, but I didn't give up. Soon, her face softened and she awned. "Fine, anything for cute whole you,"

   "Yes!" I squealed. Moira crossed her leg and flipped her nonexistent hair.

   "Now this is why I let her do all the talking, heaven knows I don't have that in me."

   I ignored her and picked the book closer to me. The book was almost at the last page. I flipped it to be beginning of the chapter of that particular subject and scrunched my nose when I saw the topic.


   "What the hell is this?" I asked, tilting my head in puzzlement. April reached forward and took the book from me, slipping it away and closing it.

   "Forget about that one, I don't think I can do it. There's not much information about it, barely anything to begin with. As you can see, it only contains two pages and the last page is incomplete. I came across it, didn't even know it in my search but that's it, there's no other book in the library that speaks about this book. I even asked the librarian and she looked at me like I had grown horns. She said there is no book of such, even Lady Ursula confirmed it."

   "Did you show it to them?" Moira asked as she joined us in the bed.

   April sighed tiredly, "I tried, but every time I plan to show them, the pages disappears, almost as if it doesn't want to be seen. It would have been a great work to present, but with such little time, I best work on another. That leaves us to these two," she pushed the other book to Moira. "That one is about The Eye of Pharaoh, and this one about The Dimensional Paintbrush."

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