Chapter Twenty-nine: dark spirits

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Xyra's viewpoint

   Carswell, as expected, refused to let me out of his sight: hence why I was going with him to check on a small fox clan that got recently attacked. Zeph, Zane and Moira was our escort because you know, I don't go anywhere without at least one of them, and Zane won't leave his mate alone.

   So there we were, in a SUV driving us to the small house as told, some warriors in it too for extra protection. Carswell had his hand around my waist while I slept on his chest, drumming my fingers on his stomach as I conversed with the girls. I told Carswell about my powers and how I knew nothing about what I was meant to do and explained my visions to him. His conclusion was that the story I was meant to learn was about witches but he had no idea of any witch named Myrtle. According to him, witches and warlocks were nearly extinct and sorcerers replaced them.

‘Maybe you ought to find out why the witches became extinct?’ Moira offered.

‘Yeah, maybe, but does it explain why her mate was almost abducted? It makes no sense. We need something, anything at all to help us.’ Zeph said.

‘Hmm, I can try looking in and doing a research on what the chronicle of time is. But with how serious this is, I doubt I would find anything on time. Nevertheless, I'll see what I can find. Meanwhile, you all shouldn't let your guards down and find out if that name, Myrtle, means anything.’ April wisely stated.

‘Leave the Myrtle findings to me, I'll do a wide search and see.’ Moira volunteered.

‘Yes, thanks, girls, what can I do without you?’

‘Nothing, that's for sure!’ They chorused. I rolled my closed eyes with a smile.

   "We are here," Zeph's voice made me lift myself up. I opened my eyes and lifted myself off his chest partially, but looked at his face instead of out of the window. I was swept with sudden anxiety and nervousness. It was the first time we would be appearing in public together, my first appearance as Luna of all.


   I never knew how big the responsibility was until I was there. How was I supposed to act? Smile politely and wave? Or curtsey or shake my subject hands? What answers should I give them when asked? How was I supposed to communicate with…

   "Empress, stop worrying," Carswell chuckled, "you'll be fine," he said, stroking my back comfortingly, "just imagine it as you doing your alpha duty,"

   "When I was an alpha, it was easier because I didn't have to actually go anywhere when dad was there and has mum to assist him take the spotlight. An alpha work is much easier than Luna Queen! What if I say the wrong thing and they get the wrong idea? What if they don't like what I wear?!"

   "Xyra, who cares about what you are wearing? I think you are slaying the teenage queen look," Moira replied this time, winking at me cutely. She picked my outfit for me. Ripped jeans with fishnet, crop corset top and a faux jacket. It was hot and I was even more surprise when Carswell let me wear it.

   "Stop worrying, that's April's job," Zeph snorted out. I snorted out a nervous laugh and sat up straight to strengthen my courage. The car pulled to a stop and I could see some men standing outside to welcome us.

   Moira opened the door and stepped out first, followed by Zane and then Zeph. Carswell went out before me and gave me his hand to help me out even if I didn't need it. "Thank you," I said softly as I took his hand. I stepped out of the SUV and gasped from the sudden gush of wind. An ominous feeling struck me the moment the air reached my skin.

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