Chapter Fifty-nine: Rewrite the ending

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Xyra's viewpoint

   Once I was aware of what was happening or had an idea, she was able to fuel Majesty's anger when I learnt the truth and that way, I regained control and broke the covenant. After we escaped, she still had to find a way to stable Majesty and the only way to do that was to make sure we could shift at will. And to do that, she had to return me to my mate. The moment she gave me back to him, that was when I shifted.

   I also saw that Amphitrite blessed me, Chloris sending down one of her daughters, April, just like the goddesses decided to send Moira down. She wasn't supposed to be born until Álváró turn sixteen, but she came early for my sake. Then I saw how the ladies took Zephyr away from her mother. Her mother was a necromancer and a psychic. She was very beautiful and Hades took a liking to her. I was shocked by the fact that Hades was Zephyr's biological father. That explained why he came after her and her strong death powers.

   It all made sense now, everything. So Myrtle was somehow alive and wants a repeat of the war. Then the images changed again to a younger version of Asia. There was another lady with her, taller with sharper features and more beautiful. Her hair wasn't onyx black like Asia's, hers was midnight brown. Her eyes were pine green and her skin, warm beige. She looked really powerful and wise.

   "Asia, where are we going?" She sighed, "we have been walking for hours,"

   "Just keep walking, we are almost at the fountain," Asia said with an evil smile. The lady was walking ahead of her. They looked similar, almost identical but not identical and the hair and eyes made sure of that.


   "Athens, do you still think the world should be left the way it is and we witches should remain at our side of the barrier? To let the others keep thinking we are almost extinct?" Asia asked. Athens waved her off languidly, something that annoyed Asia. "Sister, you know I love you, right?"

   "Yes, you have said it seventeen times since we began this nameless trip. What request do you wish to ask of me?" I wanted to warn Athens, but I knew it was a waste of time. The book was showing me what happened in the past.

   "I cannot raise Myrtle with you alive and the leader of all covens," Athens froze in her step, a gasp leaving her mouth, "I need her to become the queen of this world but you are a celestial witch, your light will prevent her resurrection. For that reason, you must die." I saw it and I was sure Asia didn't see it.

   Athens was smart. Instead of replying her sister, she started muttering a spell. However, she wasn't fast enough. She wanted to duplicate herself but before the duplication was complete, Asia struck her with a powerful soul cursing spell. Her original body disappeared, half touched by the curse while the duplicate took the full force of the hit.

   Asia stared at her sisters decaying body scream in agony with sadness in her eyes. "I am sorry, sister, rest in peace." The book changed the location and took me to the spot Athens' body disappeared to. I watched as she was found by three royal vampire merchants in charge of delivering blood banks and willing human slaves to the royal family. They saved Athens and took her to the palace where she was currently living as the vampire king's personal blood pet.

She lost her memory.

   "So, Asia killed her sister and took her place," I said as the whole place turned white again, "or tried to kill her,"

   "Correct. You must go to the vampire king and find her. Her powers covered her in order to protect her. You must remove the spell around her and use your telepath friend to recover her memory. Athens is a celestial witch, the only one who can break the chains Asia used in typing down the witches and warlocks to her command. Due to the fact that the king has been feeding from her, he has taken a little of her light and with that, she can break the chains holding the rogue vampires. With her as the queen, Asia's army would be reduce." The elf goddess explained.

   "And the dead Myrtle would raise? She still has that…"

   "No," she shook her head, "she lost that power and that is why she sought to use your mate since he has that power. If you take away her army of witches, vampires, canids and warlocks, you cripple her. The goblins and ogres are no match. However, you will have to figure out a way to stop her and the three demons she is to summon. You do not have time, princess, you must hurry."

   "Learn the beginning of the story," I murmured with eyes closed, "and rewrite the ending." I had to give everything a final stop, one way or the other. It was my duty, it was my purpose. I finally knew everything and it was time to get to work. The only problem I had was the fact that I was pregnant.

   "Okay, there are three more things I need to know,"

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