Chapter Thirty-nine: I am never leaving

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Xyra's viewpoint

   "B..but why?" I asked, barely containing the complain in my tone, "why such conditions? Why choose him to torture him?"

   "The shifter dragon was once the animal guide of a god in the past. Before the god died, he gave his powers to the dragon, giving him the ability to shift. The powers became too much for him and he went completely wild. Selene and Helios were the only one who could reach into him and tame him, and that is by giving him a body to possess to contain the powers. The dragon of old is extremely powerful, too powerful with flame as hot as the sun. His powers were too great that it killed the mates of the body it possess in the past, destroy the ones they had emotional connection to. And when they succeed in getting a offspring, the offsprings became dark deform demons…"

   "What the…"

   "Yes, demons. The demons would mature four hours after birth and attack Olympics. No one had enough light or powers to contain it energy, none. So after the dragon came out himself and destroy the last of his offspring, he stopped his host from getting any love or mate bond, and from fathering children."

   "But I'm right here, I am your mate," I said with annoyance, "everything you just said is bullshit,"

   "Selene thinks there is something the dragon isn't telling them, the real reason his offspring always turn to deform demons, but she cannot force him to tell. The dragon once told her that she was the only one who could create or send one that would be able to manage being mates to any of his host. I do not know why she changed her mind after refusing to help him for so long, but she did and sent you to us, a werewolf made to fit us. But you being our mate does not change the fact that you cannot bear children, that part is permanent."

   I remained quiet in part shock, annoyance and disbelief. Selene didn't just send me down to stop something, she specifically made me to be mates to a beast who kills those he is emotionally connected to. It wasn't him, I had live and study enough to know that there was a power in the dragon that burnt the soul of any connected to his host by any bond or emotional pull; a heat that render them to ash. In my understanding–at least, what my logical mind and experience had taught me–I deduce that the offsprings turned to deform demons because the dragon always try to stop his powers or curse to his offsprings. Now in trying to do so, he destroys their soul and body.

   I wasn't sure, could be just a guess, but my mind, gut and spirit said it was like so. If I was his mate and the trouble rising was for him, then I knew Selene made me his mate so I could be close to him and have better means of protecting him. She did not send me to bear him children, she just sent me to him to protect him. She had no control over the dragon's decision to pass his gene or not, it was not hers to dictate. And since the dragon didn't want his gene to pass on, then it meant what it had always been.

   With the truth staring at me in the face, I still refused to accept that my life would be dictated by another. I wasn't going to give up hope just like that, I still had to believe that there was a chance for us. And I don't want half.

   With determination coursing through me, I tilt his chin upward so I could see his face and tighten my grip around him. "Emperor, I'm not leaving, neither is Majesty. We would figure this out, together we would find a way to fix this, even if it takes forever."

   "Promise you won't leave us?"

   "I swear on every hair on my head, I am never leaving you, Carswell Maximilien, you are stuck with me for the rest of your life." I smiled. He smiled too, the smile I knew and loved so much. I knew that moment that there was no life without him, I couldn't imagine myself living without him by my side. Even if it was yet to happen, I would love him with the whole of my heart.

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