Chapter Sixty-four: separated

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Xyra's viewpoint

My body felt light, as light and empty as my mind. It felt pretty weird and lonely. My body floated up in the void as the moonlight shone down on me. My hair was up in the air, flowing allover my face and making a thick fluttering sound as it beat against the wind. My mind was blank but I knew I was doing something that led me to the empty state.

I squinted my eyes when another sharper light shone directly into my eyes. I opened my eyes and saw four stars floating above me. My fingers curled up as they twitched with excitement and urgency to grab every single last star. Yet, at the same time, something was telling me not to touch them and that something was pretty strong.

I wanted so badly to reach for them, but the force telling me not to was pretty strong. I shot out my hands and grabbed two at the same time. Immediately I grabbed them, they melted like ice cream and the liquid dissolve into my body. I watched the golden yellow and orange liquid pass through my veins and travel along. I watched it every movement, even straining my eyes to see where they were heading to. And surprisingly, the colours disappeared at my stomach area.

I loved the feeling it gave. When the liquid pass through me, it was cold and lush, like actually licking ice cream on a sunny day. Only that this time, my veins did the licking. Once the liquid reached their destination, I felt full again somehow. I wanted that void in me to fill up completely, so I turned my gaze back to the remaining two stars.

I tried to move my limbs but they refused to work. My body was as stiff as stone and cold as a block of ice. I shook violently inside, but outside, I made no movement. I knew that force was the one stopping me from touching them, but I didn't know why. As I continued to struggle, I heard a little boy's giggle. The white moonlight changed to green. The light carried a pleasant scent of nature and I could perceive pixie dust in the air.

Immediately the light fully surrounded me, my stiff body unfreeze. I immediately shot out my arms and grabbed the remaining two stars. The red one dissolve first, next to the white one. Every single seconds it flowed down to my stomach, I felt better and better and better. The emptiness finally almost fill up.

There was the emptiness in my mind, the one I felt I could never get back. The light made my body move and made me stand straight on the air before slowly lowering me to the gold sea. I was made to kneel on the sea and look down at it. Two minutes, three minutes, ten and half an hour. My gaze never left the sea. It was like something important was at the other side and if I looked away, I would miss it.

The sea rippled, a sudden ripple that went through the surface. The first ripple went to and when the second ripple which was fro came, it cleared the gold out of the sea and left it with a crystal clear blue. My reflection was not that of me, I was looking at a weird looking wolf.

She looked really familiar and like before, I felt the need to hold and protect her. "Majesty, come forth," the boy's voice said in a whisper. It felt like he was telling me to repeat what he said. Another force told me not to, but the light tingling at the surface of my skin, compelled me to listen to the voice.

"Majesty, come forth!" Immediately the words left my lips, a little seaquake began. The light lifted me up from the sea and pushed me back to the colourless sky. I observe the shaking water in awe. Somehow, I knew the shake was a dance; the sea was dancing violently and the way it moved left me mesmerise.

After ten minutes of shaking and dancing, the wolf emerged from the water and stood majestically on it surface. I opened my mouth in absolute bewilderment. It was the strangest and largest wolf I'd ever seen. And even though she had a monstrous beauty, I felt safe with her.

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