Chapter Forty-four: Return surprise

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Carswell's viewpoint

   "Your lycan is me as I am him, he would lead the way. But just remember, you can only attempt to shift only at the eclipse. It would be very, very, very and agonizingly painful. The pain might even cause you to stop, but if you do, you will never be able to get the book or you might get stuck in whatever form you stop and your lycan would be lost forever."

   Of course, it wouldn't be easy. When have anything ever been easy? There was always a catch, always that thing that would ruin the good news delivered. Before he said it was painful, I knew it would be very, too much for me. But as usual, I would have to endure it.

Again, who is Artemis?

   The fire suddenly turned back to red, swallowing the beautiful gold and rising high with rage. His eyes turned red, the crystals on his tail and every gem on his head too. The red at the tip of his scales glowed, almost as if angry too.

   "Your mate, Artemis, is in danger, find and protect her! Protect them! Go!" I stood up instantly, more than ready to jump out of the powerful realm my mind had been trapped in.

   "Wait!" A female voice shouted from above. A bright white light appeared on the red sky, shining so bright I had to cover my eyes before it blind me. "Carswell, you have to stop my children from fighting, use the roar, stop them before they end themselves! Xyra's pack, head there, now!"


   "He cannot get there on time. Take a small version of my first wings, I grant you permission to use it to save the moon daughter and your first surprise." The light disappeared. I dropped my hand covering my eyes to ask him what he was talking about, but I was back in the sacred room. The fire lanterns I lit around me was all out.

‹Forget about the surprise, just stand up and go! Mate needs us! I'm taking over.›

   He didn't need my permission, he took over my body and pushed us to my feet. I staggered back with a little dizziness from sitting in one place for too long, not eating anything and the power we exhausted summoning the dragon. But as quick as the weakness came, it was replaced with a whole stronger power.

   Emperor compelled my body to run. We ran out of the room in the small temple at the back of the castle. I felt the familiar strong energy course through my veins as it mixed with the dragon's. I had only use it once, the time I gathered all canids shifter under me. My back itched as we ran, the colours from the world slowly fading to absolute red. The itch became stronger with each painful seconds it took my lycan to emerge. But before our barefoot touch the ground outside the temple, we shifted completely.

   I continued to run, my back still itching. I tried to see if I could feel her, see through her eyes, but I couldn't see. I knew she was running and she wasn't aware of the fact that she was in pain. I felt her stop, finally feeling the pain coming from her abdomen. The pain made us hold our breath.

‹Who is she running from?› Emperor asked angrily.

‹Who cares who she is running from,› I snapped. ‹We have to get to her before she gets hurt. We can't make it on time!›

   As if on cue, something burst out of my back. I looked over my shoulders to see what it was and gasp when I saw wings, two large pair of white wings with sharp red edge. The wings fluttered with power and speed, blowing the dust on the ground and creating a powerful wings current around Emperor.

‹You can't fly! You don't know how to work this thing!› I shouted as Emperor ready himself to take off. He didn't listen, instead he did leap into the sky with haste.

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