Chapter Seven: welcome home

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Xyra's viewpoint

   Stepping back into my pack was something I had dreamt of for years. Of course, I didn't remember when I left, I was just two weeks old when I was taken to the castle. I'd never been in the pack, or another and indeed I had dreamt about how it would be like.

   Lulana was asleep on my back as I walked closer to the park territory, the place I would soon call home. She made small moans as she stir on my back. I bounced her up gently, though because I was nervous. Zephyr went ahead of us and told them because I had another vision, the attack changed. I sent her to warn them and with the smell of blood and rotten flesh, the fear hanging in the air and the sweats, I could tell the battle was already over and my pack was safe.

   "You ready?" Moira asked softly. I looked at her nervously and gulped. "There is nothing to be afraid of, they would love you,"

   "What if they judge me? What if they feel like I'm a threat? What if they don't want me?"

   "Then they can go ahead and fuck an electric eel, because they are stuck with you. Xy, you are the alpha female of this pack, so they better deal with it." Zephyr said cheekily. I smiled thankfully at them.

   "And we would be here for you the whole way. Not just because we don't have where to stay, but because we are not going anywhere without you." April added.

   "Group hug," Zeph chirped.

   "You'll wake her," I chuckled. I stopped chuckling as I saw the boundary of Cresent Pack. I inhaled deeply to calm my nerve. Moira placed her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it assuredly while Zeph squeezed my left palm.

   "You'll be fine, Xy, trust me." April whispered.

   "I hope so,"

   "I know so,"

   "Thanks, girls. Let's go." I mentally inhaled or maybe that was Majesty. We made our way into the pack, following Zeph since she was there before us. We were all exhausted and just needed to rest, like sleep for forty eight hours and then eat everything in sight. Though I doubt April would join the eating party.

   We walked over dead rogues, injured ones trying to escape which Zeph killed, but luckily, none from my pack. We finally came to the open part of the pack, where all the houses were located. Eyes were on us as we walked pass, me especially. They could feel it, they could tell I was an alpha, their alpha. We kept walking until we got to the front of the alpha house. There was an elderly man and some nurses tending to the injured warriors while their relative stood by to support their injured family. I held my breath when I saw mom helping a child's mother clean her wound while a girl of probably eleven or twelve held her kit for her.

   Mom was a doctor, head doctor of the pack. At least she was the last time I checked. The eleven years old looked a lot like mom, and the signature brown hair and grey eyes couldn't be more obvious.

   "There, all done. Moses, is there anymore injured?" Lula sneezed, dragging their attention to us. I was surprise they hadn't even notice us. Immediately mom saw me, the needle in her hand fell as she gasped. I gave her a nervous smile.

   "Hi, mom?"

   "Xyra? Xyra, is this… Oh my God…" She rushed over to me and yanked me into a tight hug, embracing Lula at the same time. Mom burst into tears as soon as we were in her arms, causing Lula to wake up.


   "Yes, baby, it's me, you are home… Xyra, I thought you were dead, they told us you died,"

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