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"Odell, I don't want to do this, it hurts too much" he pressed his lips instantly to my temple.

"You can do this, Angel. I know that you can. I believe in you. We're so close to meeting our little rainbow, Dem."

"Iona" I cried out at the new contraction before anyone could say anything in reply to comfort me.

"Demi, I want you to push for me" I gritted my teeth as I pushed, Odell continuing to massage my back.

"You're doing amazing, Baby. I'm so proud of you" his lips were pressed against my temple, his hand continuing to massage my back. It helped with the pain. "I love you so fucking much" tears were flowing down my cheeks. "You're doing it, Baby. We're finally going to meet our baby" I released a breath, heavily panting as that contraction ended.

"That was amazing, Demi. Baby moved so much with just that big push. I think we'll have baby's head if you push like that on the next one too" I gripped onto Odell's hand as the pain returned, crying out as I felt like my back was being ripped in half. I hardly got a moment to catch my breath. "Push for me, Demi" I tried not to scream as I pushed like I did before. The burning pain between my legs was intense. I've never felt pain quite like it. My grip on Odell's hand remained tight but he didn't once complain about it. "And that's baby's head out, they have some hair, Demi."

"Can-Can I feel?"

"Of course you can. Here let me take your hand" I managed to slide my hand underneath me and Dr Jones took it. I sobbed as I felt what was very obviously baby's head. "You are doing amazing, Demi. I don't think it'll be long before you have your baby. So, I want another one of those amazing pushes" Odell's hand remained on my back as I pushed. I cried out, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Keep pushing, Angel. I love you. I'm so proud" Odell's lips were pressed against my temple. I could feel his tears against his lips. "You're amazing. You're strength is unmatched. I fucking love you" his encouraging words helped me to keep my strength up. He really helped me. The instant the pressure released from my legs, there was a loud cry. I sobbed into the pillow at the sound. I have never heard anything so incredible. This is my second baby, but it's the first time I've ever heard such an amazing sound. It's exhilarating.

"You have a little girl, Demi. A beautiful little girl" Odell's face was nuzzled into my neck as he softly cried also. "I'm just going to clamp the cord, Honey, okay?"

"Can-Can we see her?"

"Of course you can, Honey. Let me just get her wrapped up" Odell pulled his face from my neck and I glanced to him, smiling as he instantly pressed his lips to mine.

"I fucking love you" I nodded as he pulled away, gently wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"I love you" he leant to kiss me again, our tears mixing in with the kiss. We pulled away when Dr Jones spoke.

"And who would like the first cuddle?" she stood beside us, holding a bundle of towels. Our baby was still softly crying.

"Give her to Odell" his eyes burnt into mine. I nodded, managing to wipe the tears from my cheek. Odell sniffled as he took our baby from Dr Jones who flashed him a smile. I slowly rolled onto my back, relaxing back against the bed. I kept my eyes on Odell who had a light smile on his face.

"Congratulations Dad" he stared down at our daughter, more tears flowing down his cheeks. He eventually glanced up to meet my gaze, his eyes full of tears.

"She-She looks like Iona" that sentence made my heart ache. Odell managed to tilt our daughter enough for me to see her. Her face was scrunched up as she softly cried, her little fingers pressed up against her mouth that was formed in a pout. "She's beautiful, Demi" I reached out to caress the side of her face. I was trying to blink back the tears in my eyes that were blurring my vision. Her skin beneath my fingers felt so soft. "She has your chin already" I rolled my eyes as Odell softly joked, a light smirk on his lips. "You're so beautiful, Princess" I winced at a light cramp in my lower stomach.

"That's just the placenta coming away, Honey" I nodded, wiping at my cheeks as I glanced back at Odell who was completely focused on our daughter. "Does baby girl have a name picked out yet?" I glanced up at Odell who glanced down at me with a light smile.

"Olive?" his smile widened as he nodded, glancing back down at our daughter. I couldn't help but to fall so much more in love with him as he doted on our little girl.

"Olive Iris Beckham."

"That's a very beautiful name" Dr Jones flashed me a wide smile. I suddenly felt on cloud nine. A nurse came over to take Olive a few moments later whilst Dr Jones helped to clean me up. Odell stood by Olive as she was weighed and checked over. Her screams were agonising to listen to as she was removed from the warmth of the towels. The sheets on the bed were changed and I threw on a pair of shorts and one of Odell's old shirts. I winced as I lowered myself back down onto the bed. My lips twitched into a wide smile as Odell began towards me with our daughter cradled against his chest.

"You wanna hold our daughter, Momma?" he slowly handed her over as I nodded. Tears slowly began to pour down my cheeks. "I'm so proud of you" he pressed a kiss to my cheek as he lowered himself down onto the chair beside me.

"Hi, my Little Rainbow" I lightly caressed the side of her face. "You sure are beautiful, Olive Beckham" I leant to press my lips delicately to her forehead.

To: Mom, Dad, Dallas, Madison, Matthew, Heather and 6 others...

I know you're all probably waiting for some news so here it is 😂 Olive Iris thought her due date would be an incredible birthday. Our little rainbow came into the world screaming at 11:34pm, April 1st 🌈💗👶🏽 She can't wait to have cuddles with her amazing family ❤️

 Our little rainbow came into the world screaming at 11:34pm, April 1st 🌈💗👶🏽 She can't wait to have cuddles with her amazing family ❤️

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