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"Are you ready to meet your aunties, Livi?" I cooed as I stared down at Olive who lay on her changing mat. "I can't wait to see you smile" I lightly caressed her cheek. "Now, what shall we wear, Honey?" I ended up dressing her into a white sleep-suit that had little elephants embroidered into it. "You look beautiful" I lifted her up against my chest so her head was resting on my shoulder. I lightly caressed her back as I began downstairs, smiling at Odell who was stood at the kitchen counter. He turned at the sound of my footsteps, a wide smile instantly spreading across his face.

"Hi, my Angels" my lips twitched into a wide smile.

"Hi daddy" I giggled at the way his eyes playfully narrowed. "I love you" he nodded as he leant in to kiss me and then walked around me so that he could coo at Olive.

"Hi Princess" I continued to caress her back as I gently swayed. It was only a moment later that there was a knock on the front door. I went to grab it, smiling at Dallas and Madison who were wearing identical wide smiles. Batman was stood by Dallas, instantly beginning to bark and jump at my legs. I was worried the noise would startle Olive but she didn't even stir. "Hi" Dallas stepped in first and wrapped her arm around me. "Do you want to have a cuddle?" she rapidly nodded as she pulled away. I watched her eyes well up with tears as I slowly handed Olive over to her.

"Hi Beautiful" I turned to Madison who I pulled into a hug. We then headed into the living room and I pulled Batman onto my lap who was instantly lapping up the attention. Madison and Dallas continued to coo over Olive. "You're so precious and tiny. You look so much like your momma" she lightly caressed Olive's tiny fingers. Odell took a seat on the couch beside me, his fingers tracing along my spine as he leant in to kiss my cheek. I leant my head against his shoulder, completely exhausted. Batman curled up between us, his head and paw resting on my thigh, it was as if he didn't want me to leave him again.


I glanced down at Olive who lay fast asleep in her bassinet that was pushed up beside our bed. It makes it easier for the nighttime feedings. I don't even have to climb out of bed. I released a breath as I took a glance at Odell who was snoring his head off. It's 11:34pm and I've been sat here for nearly an hour. I can't sleep. I can't shut my brain off. I keep watching Olive, watching for her every breath. I was suddenly fearful that I'd wake up and she won't be breathing. There was no way I'd be getting any sleep soon so I lifted Olive from the bassinet as soon as she started to stir.

"Let's go and cuddle in your nursery, Honey. Let daddy get some sleep" I cradled her against my chest as I left the master bedroom, pulling the door to a close behind me. I pressed my lips to Olive's temple as she started to whine. "Are you hungry, Princess?" I settled myself on the rocking chair in her nursery, adjusting my shirt so that I could feed Olive. "I love you so much, Livi. You're my world, Baby" I caressed the back of her hand with my thumb. "I wonder what your big sister thinks of you. I hope she isn't too jealous that you're getting all of mommy's cuddles. I'd love nothing more than to have both of my girls here to cuddle" I rapidly blinked back the tears that were threatening to fall down my cheeks. "I vow to protect you for as long as I can. You're my everything, Olive Iris" she dropped to sleep against me once I'd burped her. I didn't want to risk hurting her by falling to sleep with her in my arms so I lowered her into her crib. I moved the rocking chair closer to the crib so that I could continue to watch her as she slept. I seemed to be watching for her every little breath. I fed her twice throughout the night, changing her diaper when it was needed. I was able to settle her so fast that she never cried loud enough for Odell to hear her.

I didn't realise how much time had passed until I heard Odell softly cooing to Olive. I almost shot awake, noticing Odell as he stood by the changing table, changing Olive's diaper. I pushed myself to stand which caught Odell's attention.

"Hi Angel" I forced a light smile onto my face.

"What time is it?" I delicately caressed Olive's cheek.

"It's 6, Baby" I nodded, rubbing at my eyes as I yawned. "How much sleep did you get?" I shrugged as I leant against his side, his arm sliding around my waist. "I never even heard her stir last night" he caressed Olive's cheek.

"I couldn't sleep so I brought her into here. I-I didn't want her to wake you, one of us at least needs to sleep" he gently lifted my chin up so I was forced to look at him.

"Demi, I'm here to help you with her. I'm her daddy. I'm supposed to help with the night duties too" my lips twitched slightly at the corners. "You need to sleep too, Angel. Is there a reason why you couldn't?" I pulled my eyes off him, forcing a smile onto my face as I lifted Olive against my chest. I could feel Odell's eyes burning into the side of my face. "Demi?"

"I-I'm scared that I'm going to wake up and she-she won't be breathing" my eyes instantly welled up with tears. Odell's face softened, his eyes filling with worry. "I know that it's stupid but..." Odell rapidly shook his head.

"It isn't stupid, Demi" he leant to kiss my forehead. "Why don't you try and get some sleep? I'll take her downstairs. We'll be fine, Dem, I promise" he leant in to kiss me and my lips twitched lightly at the corners. I slowly handed Olive over, my heart melting at how she instantly settled in Odell's arms. She looks tiny compared to his biceps. "Shall we say night to mommy?" I softly laughed as he waved her tiny hand.

"Come and wake me if you need me" he nodded, leaning to peck my lips. "I'll see you soon, Olive" I gently kissed her temple and then I headed towards the master bedroom, trying to push back the sudden intense fear I had of losing Olive.

Liked by scooterbraun, matthew_scott_montgomery and 7,816,562 othersddlovato April 1st 2020 👶🏽❤️View all 2,725,572 commentsmaddelagarza I'm so ready for auntie duties 😩🥺joejonas Congratulations Dem 🎉

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Liked by scooterbraun, matthew_scott_montgomery and 7,816,562 others
ddlovato April 1st 2020 👶🏽❤️
View all 2,725,572 comments
maddelagarza I'm so ready for auntie duties 😩🥺
joejonas Congratulations Dem 🎉


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