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I sat on the edge of the bathtub, tears flowing down my cheeks. I was trying to keep my sobs quiet but it proved a struggle. I don't even know why I'm crying.

"Demi?" there was a light knock on the door. I kept my eyes on the door handle that slowly twisted, glancing down at my hands when he realised it was locked. "Baby, unlock the door" I sniffled as I played with my fingers. "Demi" his voice held a light warning to it. I pushed myself to stand, wiping rapidly at my cheeks. I reached to unlock the door and the moment that it clicked, it was pushed open. "Baby, what's wrong?" I bit down on my lip as my chin quivered. I shrugged my shoulders in reply to his question because I honestly didn't know. He wrapped his arms tightly around me and pressed his lips against my temple, his fingers combing through my hair. He held me until I'd managed to calm myself. I pulled myself away from him and then turned to grab a tissue, all while Odell stood in the doorway, watching me with a concern filled expression. I turned back to him, briefly meeting his gaze as I dabbed my cheeks. We stared at each other in silence.

"I-I'm fine" my voice cracked.

"I think we both know that's a lie" before he could question me further, Olive's cries filtered into the room. The sound made my heart ache. I walked passed Odell but was stopped by his hand lightly wrapping around my wrist. "We gonna talk about this, Demi" I kept my eyes down as I pulled my wrist from his grip and I headed towards Olive's nursery.

"Hi Baby Girl" I softly cooed as I caressed her cheek. I slid my hands underneath her and lifted her against my chest. Her cries settled the instant she was in my arms. I pressed my lips to her temple as I softly swayed. "I love you so much. I won't ever let anyone hurt you, Olive" I jumped slightly as arms slid around my waist. Odell pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"I love you both" I rest my head back against his shoulder as we remained cuddled up together. Just enjoying this moment together as we swayed Olive back to sleep.


"Batman, stop" I gently pushed Batman away as he continued to lick at Olive's foot whilst she fed. It kept distracting her so she continued to pull away. "Batman, no" he eventually curled up on the couch, his head on his paws as he watched me. I caressed the side of Olive's face as she latched back onto my breast. I softly smiled down at her.

"I've bought you some tea, Angel" I smiled up at Odell as he lowered a mug onto the coffee table.

"You're the best" I puckered my lips and he laughed as he leant down to kiss me. I slid my hand along his cheek. "You going to come and join us?" he flashed me a smile.

"Yeah, just finishing the dishes" he leant down to kiss the side of Olive's head. "I'll be back, Baby" he kissed my forehead, a soft smile forming on my face as he headed from the room. I glanced back down at Olive, keeping my eyes on her until she pulled away. I adjusted her in my arms to burp her and then settled her on my chest as Odell stepped back into the room. I pressed my lips to the top of her head. "You wanna watch a movie, Dem?" I nodded, flashing him a smile as he lowered himself onto the couch beside me. Batman was now curled up on the floor by my feet. Odell wrapped his arm around me and I cuddled into his side. A silence settled around us as Odell picked a movie for us to watch. I just lay against his side, watching Olive as she slowly dropped to sleep. "Demi..." I jumped at his voice that broke the silence, my quick movement startled Olive.

"I'm sorry, Livi" I pressed my lips again to the top of her head. "Lets lay you down" I pushed myself off the couch and walked towards the bassinet that we have downstairs. She whimpered slightly at the loss of contact but quickly settled herself as I caressed the back of her hand. I watched her as she dropped to sleep. "Sleep tight, Princess" I leant to kiss her forehead and then slowly turned to Odell who pat the space on the couch beside him. I cuddled myself into him, wrapping my arm around his waist as he lightly caressed my back.

"What's going on, Dem?"

"I don't really know" I began to trace patterns on his chest. "I just-I know that I'm worried we're going to lose Olive like-like we lost Iona" I closed my eyes in an attempt to hold back the tears I could feel forcing their way forward. "I know that it's stupid to think like that but it's the first place my brain goes to when she hasn't made a noise in a while."

"Your worries are understandable, Baby. I feel the same" I pulled myself away from him and glanced up to meet his gaze.

"Really?" he nodded as he caressed my jaw.

"I think you've also got a lot of hormones flying around" I began to play with his light curls. "You had a baby 4 days ago, Dem, and you're doing an amazing job. Our little girl loves you, Baby. She settles the moment you pick her up" my lips lightly twitched at the corners as a single tear rolled it's way down my cheek. "You're doubting yourself, aren't you?" I didn't even need to say anything. I just met his gaze and he nodded. "You are an amazing mom to our little girl, Demi" he cupped my face in his hands, gently wiping my cheeks with his thumb. "You don't have to doubt yourself. You love her unconditionally and that's all she needs" I glanced down.

"I-I don't want to let her down" I swallowed down the lump that formed in my throat. "I know what it's like to be let down by a parent and I don't want to do that to Olive."

"What makes you think you'll let her down?" I just shrugged. "You aren't your father, Demi. I'm glad I had babies with you" my eyes locked on his. "Everything that you do completely amazes me. I love you so fucking much, Demetria, and so does Olive. I don't want you to ever think that we don't. Keep talking to me, okay? When you feel down and you feel like you're failing, talk to me" I nodded, leaning in to press my forehead to his.

"I promise" he brushed his lips against mine. "I love you too, both of you. Thank you for believing in me."

"You need to start believing in yourself, Demi" he lightly caressed my chin before he leant in to peck my lips.


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