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The first thing my eyes landed on when I woke was Odell. He was laid on his side, staring at me with a soft smile on his face.

"You know that staring at someone while they're asleep is creepy" he laughed as I rolled onto my back and I stretched, moaning at the way it made my body feel.

"Happy Mother's Day, Angel" my lips twitched into a smile as Odell leant to kiss my cheek. "Thank you for having our babies" my smile just widened. "I love you" I slid my hand along his cheek as I pressed my lips back to his. His hand slid under my shirt, the tips of his fingers lightly caressing the surface of my skin. His touch made my body tingle. I haven't yet had my 6-week check-up, it's only been 5 weeks since Olive's birth and even though my bleeding has stopped and other than feeling insecure, I feel incredible, Odell won't yet fuck me. He wants me to see a doctor before he does anything. Odell pulled away and flashed me a smile.

"I'm not bleeding anymore, the infection risk is gone" his lips twitched into a smirk as he shook his head.

"Not until you've seen a doctor. I'm not willing to risk it" I rolled my eyes, keeping my eyes on him as he climbed out of bed. The sight of his half-naked body made my lower region ache. I pulled my eyes off him as I pushed myself up in bed, smiling down at Olive who was fast asleep in her bassinet. She woke just over 2 hours ago for a feed and then instantly settled back to sleep. I caressed her cheek with the back of my finger, she stirred but remained asleep. I turned to Odell who stepped out of the restroom. "What would one of my favourite girls like for breakfast?" my eyes roamed over his body, my cheeks heating up as a smirk formed on his face.

"Surprise me" he leant to peck my lips and then he headed from the room. I had to use the toilet so I climbed out of bed and headed into the restroom. I did my business and then settled back on the bed just as Olive began to stir. "Hi Baby Girl" I slid my hands underneath her tiny body and lifted her into my arms. I caressed her cheek and leant to kiss her forehead. "I think we need to change this diaper, Miss Olive" I crossed my legs and then lowered her down onto the mattress. We have everything stored in a diaper bag that's underneath the bassinet. It makes midnight diaper changes so much easier. I grabbed everything that I needed. "You're so beautiful, Olive Beckham" I pressed a kiss to her nose, the smile on my face widened as her lips curled at the corners. "Is that an actual smile, Beautiful" she began to lightly kick her legs. "I love you so much" I quickly changed her diaper so that she wouldn't get too cold. I continued to softly coo at Olive who just stared up at me. I glanced up at Odell who stepped into the room with a tray and a gift bag in his hands. My lips twitched lightly at the corners. "Daddy's back, Princess. I wonder what he made mommy for breakfast" I lifted Olive against my chest as Odell took a seat beside me and lowered the tray onto the bed. "Frozen waffles?" my lips twitched into a smirk as I glanced to Odell with slightly raised eyebrows.

"If you don't want it, I can eat it" I slapped at his hand that reached out for the waffle.

"No, it's mine" he pressed a kiss to my cheek as he laughed.

"Let me take my beautiful princess so that you can eat" I softly handed him Olive who stared up at her daddy, her lips twitching at the corners. "She's smiling" I nodded as he beamed at me, his eyes welled up with tears that melted my heart. "When did she start smiling? Did I miss it?" I lightly laughed as I shook my head, taking a bite out of the waffle.

"Today was the first time I saw it, so I believe today."

"It's beautiful" I nodded, watching him as he beamed back down at Olive, cooing at her. I widely smiled at the way he interacted with her. I love watching them together. He's such an amazing dad. Olive and I are lucky to have him. "This is for you" Odell spoke as he held the gift bag out to me.

"You didn't need to get me anything, Odell."

"It's mother's day, yes I did" my smile widened as I pulled the pink tissue paper from the bag. My eyes welled up with tears at the photo frame inside. It held a photo that had a would have been nearly 2 year old Iona holding newborn Olive. Iona was looking down at Olive so all we could see was a head full of light curly black hair but she had gorgeous angel wings. Odell lightly wiped my fallen tear from my cheek.

"How did you even do this?" I glanced up to meet his gaze.

"I found someone online. I told them what I wanted. I cried when I first saw it. It's better than I imagined" I swallowed down the lump from my throat as I admired the photo of what should have been my girls.

"You're amazing. This is amazing. Thank you, I love you" I leant in to kiss his cheek as his lips twitched into a wide smile.

"You're welcome, Angel. I love you too" I sniffled as I cuddled into his side, glancing to Olive who was slowly dropping to sleep. "Where do you want to hang it?" I shrugged as I delicately slid my finger around Iona's outline.

"We could hang it in Olive's nursery. It'll be a reminder of her guardian angel" Odell managed to wrap his arm around me as he kissed the top of my head.

"I think that's an amazing idea" he lightly played with the ends of my hair. I moved the photo frame off to the side so I could finish off my breakfast.

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ddlovato Instastory

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