Thirty Two

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Heather sat beside me with Olive on her lap. She was occupied by her teething ring but kept glancing up at me every so often, her little eyes were full of worry. It was like she could sense something was wrong and I know it's stupid because she's only 7 months. We've been at the hospital for over an hour, waiting for someone to come and review me. Heather managed to get a hold of Odell's coach and he promised to let him leave early. A knock on the door made me jump. Heather called for the person to enter.

"Hi Demi" I flashed a weak smile at the doctor. "I'm Dr Shepherd, I'm just coming to ask you some questions, if that's okay?" I nodded, glancing down at my hands.

"I'll step outside with Olive, okay?" I glanced to Heather as she stood, adjusting Olive on her hip. "Shall we give momma a kiss, Livi?" my lips tugged into a sad smile as she instantly puckered her lips. Heather leant down until Olive pecked my lips. "I'll send Odell in when he gets here, Dem" I watched as they left, a single tear rolling down my cheek. Once the door closed, I turned my attention to Dr Shepherd.

"I'm sorry to ask you all these questions again, Demi."

"It's fine."

"How old is your little one?"

"She's 7 months" a smile formed on her face.

"She's adorable" I nodded, glancing down at my stomach. "How many weeks do you believe you are?"

"I think I'm 6 weeks. It wasn't planned, I-I was on birth control but we-we were happy about it" she nodded as she jotted stuff down in the paper work.

"Have you had any other pregnancies, Demi, other than your daughter?" it was obvious that she knew.

"I-I lost a little girl in 2018. I-I was 25 weeks."

"I'm very sorry" I bit down on my lip as I nodded. "So, you said to my colleague that you've had some bleeding but no pain, is that correct?"

"Yeah" I glanced to her as she nodded.

"How is your bleeding now?"

"It's not as heavy as it was, it's settled."

"Okay, I'm gonna get someone to come and scan you. I'll let your mom know that she can come back in" I flashed her a light smile as I nodded. I released a breath as I stared off at the wall, tears rolling down my cheeks. The door opened a moment later but I only expected it to be Heather with Olive so I didn't pull my eyes off the wall until they spoke.

"Baby?" I jumped at the deep voice, choking on a sob as I glanced to Odell. He shut the door behind him and then wrapped me up in a hug. I clutched onto his shirt and sobbed against his chest. He lightly caressed my back as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "I'm sorry, Angel. I-I wish I got your call" his voice cracked. I pulled away from him and shook my head, lightly wiping the tear from his cheek.

"It's fine" my eyes closed as he pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"What did they say?" he took a seat in the chair beside the bed, taking a hold of my hand that he gave a squeeze.

"She's getting someone to come and do a scan. I-I don't know anything yet" he brought my hand up to his lips.

"I'm glad I had my mom come and watch Olive" I briefly met his gaze. His lower lid was lined with tears. I removed my hand from his and slid it along his cheek. "I'm sorry" my eyebrows scrunched together as I wiped away his fallen tear.


"I don't know" I rolled my eyes and lightly laughed.

"I love you" I puckered my lips and he leant to kiss me. I lightly caressed his jaw.

"I love you too, Baby. We'll get through this together, whatever it is that's happening" I nodded as his hand moved to settle on my stomach. I slid mine over the top of his as a lump formed in my throat. My heart ached as he pressed his forehead to my temple and we sat together in silence. All I could seem to imagine was the future, that little baby I dreamt of who was running around with Olive in a dream I had before I even found out that I was pregnant. We hadn't even planned this pregnancy but it never meant I didn't want this baby.

A knock on the door pulled me and Odell apart. It was pushed open a moment later and a young woman poked her head into the room, a very light smile on her face.

"Hi, I'm Lucy. Is it okay for me to come in?" Odell pushed himself up from the chair and clutched my hand. Lucy pulled the ultrasound machine behind her and my heart began to pound. "I'm gonna come and check on little one, if that's okay?" I silently nodded again. She pulled the machine to the side of my bed. "Is it okay if I do a vaginal ultrasound?"

"That's fine" I glanced up at Odell as he gave my hand a squeeze. I removed my hand from his and pushed my leggings and panties down my legs. There was only a small amount of blood on the pad. I then relaxed back against the bed, grabbing a hold of Odell's hand once again.

"You ready, Demi?" I nodded, staring up at the ceiling as Odell pressed a kiss to my forehead. There was a slight pinch as she inserted the probe. I bit down on my lip as the silence continued. "Demi, I can see baby" my eyes shot to the monitor and like with Iona and Olive at this stage, I could instantly see the flickering of their heart.

"They're okay?" my eyes danced to Lucy as she nodded, flashing me a light smile.

"Baby measures at 6 weeks and 3 days, they're little heart is beating perfectly" I glanced up to Odell as I choked on a sob. He cupped my chin in his hand and pressed his lips to mine. He pulled away and we glanced back to Lucy. "Beside the baby, Demi, is an empty gestation sac."

"What does that mean?"

"It could mean that it was a twin pregnancy and the second baby was unable to develop."

"Will-Will that cause problems for the baby that's still...?" I cut myself off, glancing over at Odell who looked in shock.

"It shouldn't cause any problems. The placenta will absorb the sac. It's something we call vanishing twin syndrome."

"But is...the other baby's definitely okay?"

"So far they're healthy" I nodded, glancing back up at Odell. "I'm just gonna do some final measurements of baby and then I'll print you off some copies. I'm gonna schedule you in for an ultrasound in 2 weeks so we can check on that second gestation sac" I nodded as I glanced over at the monitor. As happy as I was to have a healthy baby, I couldn't stop my heart from aching from the guilt I felt.

Demi Lovato spotted entering Cedars Sinai.

The 28-year-old songstress was spotted entering Cedars Sinai earlier this evening. She was being followed in by mother-in-law and 7-month-old daughter.


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