Forty Seven

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"You're definitely in labour, Demi. You've dilated to 3 centimetres" Heather gave my hand a squeeze as tears rolled down my cheeks. I released a breath as I pushed myself to sit whilst Dr Jones moved to wash her hands. "I'm gonna get you moved up to the labour ward. We can strap you up to a monitor to keep a track on baby boy's heartbeat" I nodded as I wiped the tears from my cheeks. "Everything will be prepared for his arrival, Demi. I'm gonna make Dr Henry aware that you're in labour" I lightly caressed my stomach. "Do you have any questions, Sweetheart?"

"No, I-I just...He's already ill and-and now he's early. I-I'm just scared that's all" I shrugged as I wiped my cheeks.

"That's completely understandable, Demi, but we'll be keeping a very close eye on both you and baby."

"Thanks" I glanced to Heather as Dr Jones left to sort out getting me up to the labour ward. "Can-Can you call my Mom?" she flashed me a light smile as she nodded, stroking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Of course. We'll get you settled first and then I'll ring her" I glanced down at my hands as I twiddled with my fingers. "Are you okay, Demi?" I bit down on my lip as I shook my head.

"I just-I want Odell to be here and-and I don't want Axel to be-to be ill" Heather wrapped her arms around me as I choked on a sob. "I'm so scared, Heather" she began to caress my back as I softly cried into her neck.

"Oh Honey. I can't promise that everything will be perfect, Demi, but I can promise that you won't be alone for a second" she cupped my face in her hands and softly wiped my cheeks. "I won't leave you alone until your Mom gets here. Axel is gonna be in the best hands, Dem, you already know that" I fell silent as I stared down at my stomach.

I was moved up to the labour ward a few moments later and a fetal monitor was instantly strapped around my bump. Heather headed out to ring my Mom once I was settled and I FaceTimed Odell who greeted me with a light smile.

"Hi Angel" I lightly smiled through my pain.

"Hi" I settled my phone on the table and leant it back against the jug of water so I didn't have to hold it.

"Everything okay?"

"I'm 3 centimetres dilated, so he's definitely on his way. It sucks that you can't be here" he nodded.

"I'd be there if I could, Baby. Where's Mom?"

"She-She's gone to call my Mom" I sucked in a breath at the sudden tightening in my stomach.

"Breathe, Dem. You got this, Baby" I released a breath as I relaxed back against the bed and I caressed my belly, glancing briefly to the monitor that was tracking Axel's heartbeat. "Our Axel's a fighter, Angel. Everyone'll be ready for him, Dem" I nodded as I glanced back at Odell.

"Dr Henry's aware I'm in labour. They-They want him near when I deliver so that-so he can assess Axel and see how soon he-he'll need the surgery" it took everything I had to keep my tears back. I really don't want Axel to go through all this. I want to protect my baby. "I'm so fucking scared, O."

"Angel, you've got this" I bit down on my lip and whimpered at the familiar tightening in my stomach. "I'm scared too, Dem. And I so fucking wish I could be with you but I can't, Baby. You can do this, Demi" I took in deep breaths as I caressed my tight stomach. "I love you" my lips twitched into a smile as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I love you too."

Heather returned a few moments later. She comforted me through my contractions, along with Odell who remained on the phone. I have no intention of hanging up on him. I need him with me somehow, whether that be in person or through my phone. He's my comfort person. I sobbed once my Mom arrived and I gripped tightly on her hand. I had Heather on my right and my Mom on my left as Dr Jones came to check my dilation again. I've manually had to have my waters broke which they did nearly 4 hours ago. My contractions have become more unbearable since and I keep taking constant glances at Axel's heartbeat. So far it has thankfully remained steady.

"Do you feel as if you need to push, Demi?"

"No" I shook my head and spoke through a breath as she removed her fingers from me.

"You're 10 centimetres, Sweetheart" I glanced to my Mom as fear filled my eyes. She stroked a strand of hair out of my face and she leant to softly kiss my forehead. "There's gonna be quite a few people in this room, Demi, okay? It may feel a little overwhelming, but they're all here for baby" I silently nodded. "I'm gonna grab everything we need and then I'll be back" I remained quiet as she left the room.

"You okay, Baby?"

"No. I-I feel sick" Heather quickly grabbed the sick bowl as I heaved. My Mom lightly caressed my back.

"You've got this, Angel" the voice was an instant comfort. The room instantly filled with different medical professionals and I clutched onto my Mom's hand, starting to feel overwhelmed.

"Demi, I want you to try and ignore everyone behind me" Dr Jones spoke as she settled between my legs. "I just want you to focus on baby" I nodded as I lifted my legs into the stirrups. "When you get your next contraction, can you push for me?" It took a lot for me to ignore everyone in the room and the equipment all for Axel. The little incubator broke my heart. "Demi, can you stop pushing for a second?" I clamped my eyes shut, tears flowing down my cheeks. "Honey, it looks like baby's presenting with his bottom first" my eyes shot open and I glanced to Dr Jones. "I want you to lightly pant for me, give me some gentle pushes, Demi" I glanced to Odell on my phone screen, watching as he wiped at his cheeks.

"You're doing good, Angel" I cried out at the pain between my legs. "I'm so fucking proud of you, Baby. God, you're such a fucking badass" I laughed through the pain at Odell. "You got this, Beautiful" his words were encouraging.

"Baby's legs are out, Sweetheart. Keep doing those amazing pushes for me" the pain only became more unbearable. I couldn't work out whether it was from the labour or the fact that I probably wouldn't get the chance to hold Axel before he's whisked away. "And that's baby's head" I dropped back against the bed, wanting to hear a cry but there wasn't one. I watched as everyone rushed around, tears rolling uncontrollably down my cheeks. Mom loosely wrapped her arms around me as I sobbed, my heart torn into pieces.


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