Twenty Three

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Demi | Mature

Demi Lovato spotted leaving Unbreakable Performance in LA

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Demi Lovato spotted leaving Unbreakable Performance in LA

Lovato, 27, who birthed her second child just over two months ago was spotted leaving Unbreakable Performance. The Sorry Not Sorry hit maker who hasn't released music for the last two years has been on the low since the birth of her second child.

Demi was cast last year in Will & Grace as well as in Will Ferrel's Eurovision that's being released later this month. It's also been revealed that Lovato will be holding a charity event on July 23rd, to raise funds to support parents going through infant loss. More details to come...

I widely smiled as I stepped through the front door and was instantly attacked by an excited Batman. I sunk to the floor and fussed him for a moment until he was satisfied and he ran off. I headed into the kitchen where I could hear movement. Odell was pouring himself a coffee with Olive strapped to his chest in her baby carrier.

"Hey, I'm home" he turned to me, a smile on his face. Olive was widely smiling at me, her legs kicking in excitement. "Hi Princess" I stepped up to them and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "You managed to figure the carrier out then?"

"It wasn't too hard" I softly laughed as I puckered my lips. He instantly leant down to kiss me. "She wouldn't settle if I wasn't holding her. She screamed the instant I laid her down for a nap earlier. How was the meeting?" I nodded as I smiled down at Olive, stroking my thumb over her hair.

"It was good. I said I want to release an album next year. They've scheduled me in for some studio time. I want to have a new song ready for the charity event too."

"You ready for that?" I nodded, smiling up at him.

"It'll only be like one session a week, you can have some quality daddy daughter time" he pressed a soft kiss to my temple as I glanced to Olive, pressing a kiss to the palm of her hand, the touch made her smile widen. "And when you go back to training, I can take her into the studio with me. I don't plan to go too often, probably still just one session a week."

"As long as you're sure that you're ready."

"I am" I leant up to kiss him. "I haven't released any music since 2017. I think it's time I did" he caressed my jaw and then leant to kiss me again. "Now, can I have some cuddles with my beautiful little girl?" he laughed as I moved away.

"You don't want to have cuddles with me?" I rolled my eyes at the way his lips formed into a fake pout.

"We can have special cuddles later" his lips twitched into a smirk and his eyes darkened slightly.

"I would love that more than regular cuddles."

"Of course you would" he continued to laugh as he began to unstrap Olive from her carrier. Her little legs kicked as Odell handed her to me, my lips pressing against her cheek. "Hi, my Beautiful Girl. Did you enjoy your day with daddy?" I began to sway as I held her against my chest.


"Babe, we have a situation" my eyes darted to Odell as he walked into the bedroom, holding Olive out in front of him. I clamped my hand over my mouth to try to stifle my laugh because Olive had poop all up her back.

"That looks like a situation for daddy to sort out" my lips twitched into a smirk as his eyes narrowed in on me.

"You..." he shook his head as he turned to leave. I started to laugh as he gagged. I went back to folding laundry, able to hear Odell gagging through the baby monitor. "Ew, it's everywhere" I bit down on my lip as I laughed. "It's stinks" he continued to grumble as he cleaned her up. "Now, we're all clean. Don't do that again, Olive Iris" the smile remained on my face as I relaxed back against the bed, staring off at the wall. I love Odell and I love Olive. I am without a doubt the luckiest. "Dem?" I jumped from my stare, smiling over at Odell who had a now clean Olive cradled against his chest.

"Hi Baby. Are you all clean?" I held my arms out for her. Her little legs kicked as Odell gently handed her over. I pressed a kiss to her temple as I settled her on my lap.

"Of course you want her now she's clean" I laughed as he softly grumbled.

"I've changed plenty of dirty diapers, O" he rolled his eyes, walking around the bed to take a seat on his side.

"She's lucky I love her so damn much" he leant to kiss my cheek. "You are too" I laughed as I turned to meet his gaze. I slid my hand along his cheek and brought his lips down to meet mine. I smiled against his lips.

"I love you too" we cuddled up together until Olive started to get fussy. Odell put the piles of clothes away as I fed Olive until she dropped to sleep. I got her settled in her bassinet and then turned to Odell who was slowly getting changed. "You aren't going to put pants on, are you?" he glanced up to meet my gaze, his eyebrows slightly raised. I bit down on my lip as my eyes roamed over his half naked body.

"I don't have to, if you don't want me to" my panties dampened as Odell slowly pushed his boxers down his legs. My mouth watered at the sight. His lips tugged into a smirk. I walked up to him and wrapped my hand around his wrist, pulling him into the bathroom. He cupped my face in his hands and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was hungry as I wrapped my hand around his length, beginning to move it along him until he hardened in my grip. "Fuck Angel" I nibbled on his lip as he pushed my leggings down. A soft moan left my lips as his fingers slid along my slit. "You're so wet, Beautiful" I melted into his touch as he fondled my entrance. I lifted myself up onto the counter and then wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers combing through his light curls. He pressed the tip of his erection into my entrance, gripping onto my hips as he eased himself into me. "Fuck" his thrusts started off gentle.

"Fuck, go harder" I had to grip onto the counter as his pace quickened, moaning as I dipped my head back. His fingers tangled in my hair, his lips instantly attacking my neck with sloppy kisses. "Shit" my legs locked around him as I felt my high building. "I love you" he nodded as he pressed his forehead to mine, his eyes burning into mine.

"I love you" I cried out as I reached my climax, Odell following not too far behind.


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