Twenty Nine

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Thankfully the guy didn't press charges against Odell but he did remain suspended for 3 games. I had to listen to him grumble whenever Los Angeles Rams played. I reminded him that this was all his fault but that didn't help the situation, it just made him more miserable. I was thankful when his suspension lifted and he could finally go back. It was a relief to not have him grumbling at the tv every time they played.

I was diagnosed with strep at the end of September and was prescribed antibiotics. I didn't want Olive to get sick so I kept her away from me and I isolated myself in the master bedroom. Odell didn't catch it so once I'd recovered, we went back to our normal everyday lives. I'm glad he didn't come down with it because I hate dealing with a sick Odell, he turns into such a baby when he's ill. I travelled into the studio once a week on a day that Odell was able to take care of Olive. I've already written a couple songs for D7 but don't plan to release it until late 2021. I want it to be one of my best albums. I plan to tour at some point in the next couple years. I've really missed travelling the world and I can't wait to show Olive some of my favourite countries to visit.

Olive is becoming even more independent, she does something new every single day. She's starting to rock on her hands and knees, I can only imagine it's not going to be long before she starts crawling and then we're in trouble. She can now sit up unaided and enjoys banging her toys together. She laughs at absolutely everything and loves to give kisses. It's something that Madison taught her to do and whenever you say 'kisses', she stops what she's doing and puckers her lips. It's the most adorable thing I've ever seen a baby do.

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For Halloween, we took Olive trick or treating in my parent's neighbourhood

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For Halloween, we took Olive trick or treating in my parent's neighbourhood. It's a quiet neighbourhood and everyone knows each other. There are plenty of younger children around who enjoy the holidays too. She was dressed as a little pumpkin and got so much attention. Everyone commented on how adorable she looked and I couldn't help but to agree. Odell and I went out to a party that night and I dressed as Marie Antoinette. Odell kept it simple in a plain black suit and tie. He wore his sunglasses and claimed to be one of the Men in Black. I wanted him to dress up a bit more but he wasn't interested, he isn't someone who enjoys Halloween. It was nice to spend some time with him without Olive and the sex we had that night was on another level. Olive slept over at my parents so we didn't even have to be quiet. We had sex in places that we wouldn't with a baby around.

It was on Odell's birthday that I realised my period was late. I sat in the master bathroom at 5:15am that morning, bouncing my leg nervously as I stared down at the pregnancy test that I found in the cupboard under the sink. I don't even remember when I shoved it under there. I was supposed to have my period the last week of October. I was so busy with planning Halloween with Olive that it must have slipped my mind. I'm on birth control and I have been since I had Olive. I know that I want another baby but I didn't think it would happen this soon. I shook the thoughts from my head and decided to just pee on the stick. I won't know until I do. I checked on Odell as I lowered the test onto the counter but he was still fast asleep, his gentle snores filling the room. I closed the door and set a timer on my phone. I made sure that it was only on vibrate. I paced around the bathroom, having an internal argument with myself. One half of me was ready for this baby but then the other half of me wasn't. What if I fail Olive because I'm having a baby so soon? What if I let this baby down because I already have Olive? What if I can't handle 2 under 2? What if I lose this baby?

I jumped as my phone began to vibrate on the counter. I switched off the alarm and reached for the pregnancy test. I held my breath as I flipped it over, tears welling up in my eyes at the result. I'm pregnant. I stumbled back until my legs hit the bathtub. I took a seat, running my fingers through my hair as tears began to roll down my cheeks. I stared down at the test, my lips curling up into a smile. I softly choked on a sob as I hunched forward. I think I'm happy about this. Am I happy about this? Am I ready for another baby? I lowered the test back onto the counter and slid my hand along my stomach. I'm happy about this. A wide smile spread across my face as tears continued to pour down my cheeks. I didn't expect it now but that doesn't mean I regret it.

"Hi Baby" I quietly whispered, stroking my stomach with my thumb. "I promise that I'll be ready for you. You and your sister are gonna be so close in age. Oh god, I'm gonna have two toddlers" I placed my hand over my mouth as my voice loudened. I don't want to wake Odell. "Well, it looks like your daddy's getting an extra birthday present" the smile on my face was enormous. "I can't wait to meet you, Baby" I pushed myself to stand able to hear Olive stirring through the baby monitor. I stuffed the pregnancy test into the pocket of my sweater and left the bathroom. Odell was still softly snoring so I headed towards Olive's nursery before she could start screaming. "Hi Princess" her lips twitched into a smile as she squirmed in her crib. I cradled her against my chest as I took a seat on the rocking chair, enjoying our morning cuddle.


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