Thirty Nine

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We only had to wait a week for the echocardiogram on baby boy's heart and we got the results a week later at our appointment with Dr Henry, our paediatric cardiologist. It was confirmed that baby boy has a congenital heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot that would need to be corrected with surgery once he was born. The thought of him needing to have surgery at such a young age made me clutch onto my stomach, it broke my heart. His tiny little kicks were a huge comfort though, it was amazing to feel it. Dr Henry explained everything to us but it was a lot to take in and I found myself zoning out quite a lot. I don't want to lose my baby boy. We were sent home with a follow-up appointment in a couple of weeks and a bunch of leaflets on the condition. I read over them numerous times, as well as googled the condition because I wanted to make sure that I was completely prepared for everything that would happen to him. I want to understand everything that's going on with my baby boy. He's my baby, I'm supposed to protect him.

We lay in bed that night, Odell's hands pressed to my stomach as baby boy finally kicked hard enough for Odell to feel. The moment was so sweet and it ended with us having sex. It felt amazing to finally have my arousal back after weeks.

The rest of the month was filled with Odell and I planning Olive's first birthday party. I honestly can't believe that my baby is nearly 1. She's grown far too quickly. She is such a light spirit and her beautiful smile and energy is so contagious. You can't help but to feel happy around her. She truly is the light of my life. She brightens up my world. I can't even count how many breakdowns I've already had over her turning 1.

ddlovato Instastory

The plan is to release my first single in May and then release my album at some point in July

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The plan is to release my first single in May and then release my album at some point in July. I want baby boy here before I release my album and my due date is the beginning of July. I have a few songs I want as my first single and I'd gotten a few people to listen to my choices, to help me choose which one to use. We had also had discussions about a tour next year. I want to tour early 2022, after the football season so Odell can either look after the babies at home or he can travel with us. I don't know what flying with two babies would be like so we're considering just using a tour bus.

I'd thankfully been able to hide my baby bump under sweaters so even though I'm now 22 weeks, there haven't been any rumours and I hope to keep it that way.

"O" I called as I sat on the floor of Olive's nursery, sorting through all the old clothes in her closet. She has boxes of newborn clothes that she's probably worn once. There were even a couple that still had tags on. A lot of her clothes were gender neutral so I threw them in a pile to be washed for baby boy. I glanced up as Odell stepped into the room, smiling at Olive who he slowly lowered to the floor.

"Mama, ee" she toddled towards me, her arms held out.

"Hi Beautiful" I pulled her into me, pressing my lips to her cheek. She softly giggled as her arms wrapped around my neck. I glanced at Odell over her shoulder.

"What you doing, Angel?"

"Sorting through Olive's old baby clothes" Olive pulled herself away from me and toddled towards her toys. "Can you believe she used to fit in this?" I commented as I held up the rainbow sleep suit that she wore often. I fucking loved it on her. I could feel myself growing emotional at the thought.

"It's crazy how fast the year's gone" I bit down on my lip, glancing to Olive who was pulling books off the shelf.

"Olive Beckham, what are you doing?" she jumped and then glanced over to me, her lips twitched up in a smile as she babbled. "Mama's just tidied your room, Baby" she dropped to her butt and giggled, beginning to crawl towards me as Odell took a seat on the floor beside me. He reached for the only item that was blue in the pile of clothes. When I was pregnant with Olive; Maddie and Dallas brought us one pink bodysuit and one blue bodysuit.

"We can finally use this" my lips twitched at the corners as he held it against my belly.

"I don't think we need to buy much for him, we have so many clothes from Olive that she never wore" he pressed a kiss to my temple as I nodded, smiling down at my bump. I glanced up at Olive as she babbled to herself, destroying the pile of clothes that needed to be washed. "Olive" her beautiful eyes glanced up to meet mine, her lips twitching into a smile as she chewed on a plain white bodysuit. "Come give mama a kiss" her smile widened as I puckered my lips. She giggled to herself as she dropped the bodysuit and she crawled towards me. Her little lips puckered as she pecked mine. "Thank you, Angel" she giggled as she pulled away. "You wanna give baby brother a kiss, Princess?" I lifted my shirt and lightly tapped my belly. She leant down to kiss my stomach. "You're so precious, Livi" I lightly played with her curls.

"Can dada have a kiss too?" I laughed as I glanced to Odell who was sat beside us with his own lips puckered. Olive giggled as she pushed herself to stand, stumbling slightly as she toddled over the pile of clothes on the floor. She fell against Odell, beginning to squeal as he covered her face in kisses. I widely smiled at them as I caressed my belly.


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