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Heather came to see Olive after my parents and spent a couple of hours having cuddles. Everyone else planned to come once we were settled at home which would hopefully be soon. All I want now is my own bed. Our first full night as parents went smoothly. We took it in turns to wake up with her. I did the feeds and Odell often did the diaper changes. I love that we already seem to be working perfectly as a team. I just hope it continues when we get home.

The next morning we got the news that we would be discharged. Olive was healthy and they were happy enough to let us go. As excited as I was to be going home, I was also a little nervous. What if I fail at being a parent?

"You ready to get home?" my lips formed into a tight-lipped smile as I nodded, cradling Olive against my chest. I stared down at my little girl, praying that I wouldn't fail her. What if I'm not made for this? What if I'm not a good mom? What if Iona was taken from us because he knew I couldn't handle this? What if I let her down? "You okay, Angel?" I forced myself to smile as I glanced up at him.

"I'm good. I'm ready to go home" his eyes seemed to narrow in on me but I'm glad he didn't question me further. He leant to kiss Olive's forehead and then turned to grab the car seat. I walked towards him as he lowered it onto the bed. Olive released a few little cries as I lowered her into the car seat. "I know, Princess. I'm so sorry" her gorgeous eyes rapidly began to look around as her cries quietened. "Hi Baby. It's not so scary, huh?" I caressed her cheek and then I clipped her in. "When we go out can we place that blanket over her? I don't want paparazzi to see her if they're outside" Odell nodded as he leant in to kiss me. I lightly smiled against his lips.

It didn't take Olive long to drift off as I finished tidying everything away. I was wheeled out by Odell and I had Olive's car seat on my lap. I kept the blanket over her and I was glad I did when I noticed paparazzi in the distance. Odell unlocked the car and then took Olive's car seat, clicking it into the base. I winced slightly as I pushed myself to stand.

"Hold on, Baby. I'll walk round with you" I lightly smiled at his concern. Odell wrapped his arm loosely around my waist. "Take your time, Dem" I whimpered as I slid into the back of the car beside Olive's car seat. Odell leant to kiss my cheek. "You ready to get home?" I nodded as I leant over to Olive, lifting the blanket and I smiled down at her as she slept.

"Hi Beautiful" I caressed her cheek with the back of my finger. Odell closed the back door and then slid into the driver's seat. The drive home was slow, I'm not even sure Odell ever reached the speed limit on the highway. Olive slept the entire ride home, waking up as we pulled into the driveway. "Welcome home, Princess Olive" her hand clamped around my finger. Odell unclipped the car seat from the car and carried it up to the house as I slowly walked behind him. Batman was with Dallas so we have time to settle in with Olive. I'm not sure how he'll be with a screaming newborn. There was a white banner hung up in the entrance hall that had 'Welcome Home Princess Olive' written across it in light pink letters. I softly laughed as Odell glanced back at me. "You're so loved, Livi" Odell nodded as we glanced down at Olive who was wide awake in her car seat. I followed Odell into the living room, unclipping Olive from her car seat which Odell had lowered onto the coffee table. "Hi Baby" I slowly lowered myself onto the sofa, cradling Olive against my chest. She remained awake, her hand clamping around my finger.

"You want anything, Angel?" I glanced up at Odell with a light smile as he played with a strand of my hair.

"You to come and cuddle with us" I pat the couch beside me.

"I need to get the stuff from..." my eyebrows raised, my lips twitching into a smirk as he shut up. "I'm sure I can cuddle with my girls, getting our luggage from the car can wait" I glanced down at Olive as Odell took a seat beside me. He pressed a kiss to my cheek, his fingers taking a hold of Olive's tiny little hand. "You're so beautiful, Princess" I nodded my agreement, admiring everything about my little Olive. "And like mommy said, you can be whoever you want to be. Mommy and daddy will support you through everything" I smiled, tears lining my bottom lid. "We can teach you everything that we know. We're here to protect you, Olive" I watched Odell as he doted on Olive who was slowly dropping to sleep against my chest as Odell stroked the back of her hand with his thumb. I fell in love with him so much more in that moment. It didn't take him long to notice my stare.

"I love you" I spoke as his eyes met mine.

"I love you too, Angel. Thank you for giving me everything I could ever dream of" I lightly caressed the side of his face as I leant in to kiss him. My heart has never felt so full.

Demi Lovato leaves hospital with newborn

Lovato and her husband, Odell Beckham Jr, were spotted leaving the hospital early this morning. The Sorry Not Sorry hitmaker was being pushed in a wheelchair by the Los Angeles Rams Wide Receiver. A baby's car seat which was covered over by a blanket was placed on Lovato's lap.

A report confirms that Lovato has delivered the couples second child, stating 'they are both very much in love.'


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