Thirty Eight

311 24 1

Demi | Mature

I lay in bed that night, feeling baby move around as Odell got Olive settled for the night. I could hear him softly talking to her through the baby monitor.

"You're the sweetest, Princess" she tiredly babbled back. "Have a good sleep, Baby. I love you" I heard the nursery door close and then Odell stepped into the master bedroom a moment later. "She's not asleep yet but I don't think it'll be long" he commented as he removed his shirt. I glanced back down at my stomach as I traced patterns on it with my finger. "You okay, Angel?" I released a breath as I shook my head.

"I'm scared for him" Odell took a seat on the bed beside me and settled his hand on top of mine.

"I'm sure he's a little fighter like his momma, Baby" he pressed a soft kiss to my cheek. He climbed under the covers and wrapped his arm around me, bringing me into his chest. "We'll do everything to give him the best. As soon as we know the true diagnosis, we'll do our research. We'll know everything before he's here. We'll be prepared, Baby."

"I don't want him to be sick" he began to play with the ends of my hair. His hand slid down to settle on my bump.

"I know, Angel" I released a breath as I stared down at his hand that caressed my belly. Baby boy isn't yet kicking hard enough for Odell to feel. "We've got this, okay? He'll still be one of the most loved baby boy's there is" I took a hold of his hand and began to play with his fingers.

"What do you think about naming him Axel? I kinda fell in love with the name after you mentioned it" he pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head as he gave my hand a squeeze.

"Axel and Olive, and of course Iona" I pulled myself away from his chest and glanced up to meet his gaze.

"I love you" he nodded as he caressed my jawline and then he leant in to kiss me. His lips against mine made me smile. His hand slid along my waist and for the first time in months, it didn't repulse me. I could suddenly feel myself stirring below the waist. My smile widened against his lips which made him pull away, his eyebrows slightly raised.

"You okay?" I nodded as I pushed on his shoulder and then I climbed onto his lap, cupping his face in my hands and crashing our lips back together. I moaned against his lips as his hand moved to squeeze my ass. I slid my tongue along his bottom lip. His fingers slid under my shirt and along my back, the touch made my spine tingle. I began to move my hips, able to feel him grow beneath me which made me crave him more. His hands moved down to my pyjama shorts which he hooked his fingers around and slowly began to push down my legs. I detached our lips and managed to remove my shorts. Odell's eyes met mine as I bit down on my lip, slowly pulling my shirt over my head. "Hmm" the tips of his fingers traced along the valley between my breasts. I dropped my head back and moaned as he leant into me, his lips wrapping around my nipple. I gently ran my fingers through his light curls. I gasped as his fingers slid along my damp slit, smiling as I moaned.

"Odell" he glanced up at me as I held his face in my hands. "Fuck me" his lips twitched at the corners.

"Of course" I bit down on my lip as he placed his hand on my lower back and he held me against him as he flipped us over. He hovered himself over me, his lips beginning to nibble on my sweet spot. I arched into him as I moaned. Odell managed to push his boxers down his legs. "I love you" I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pressed his forehead to mine. He began to slowly kiss down my body, every little touch made me squirm around on the bed. He kissed around my little bump and then continued further south.

"Fuck" I cried out the moment his tongue hit my clit. It didn't take long for me to climax. I moaned as I clutched the sheet beneath me, beginning to pant. His fingers slid delicately along my thighs. "O" I ran my hands over his head as he pulled away from my crotch.

"I forgot how good you taste" his lips twitched up into a smirk as he slid his tongue along his bottom lip. "You're my all time favourite snack" I rolled my eyes as he laughed, hovering back over me. He gave his erection a few quick pumps before pressing the tip against my dripping entrance. I held his face in my hands and brought his lips down to meet mine. I whimpered against his lips as he eased himself into me. I can't believe it's been so long. "Fuck, Baby. So tight" he pressed his forehead to mine, staring into my eyes as he gently thrust into me. I ran my fingers through his light curls as I wrapped my legs around his waist. My jaw dropped as I felt my second high building already. "Cum on my dick, Baby" he kissed along my cheek and then he nibbled on my earlobe. I cried out as I blacked out, clamping around his dick. "Fuck" his fingers clamped on a few strands of my hair. "I love you. I love you" I smiled as I pressed a kiss to his shoulder. He began to pant down my ear, his thrusts still gentle but I could tell he was nearing his own climax. I gasped as he lightly bit down on my neck. I dug my nails into his back as he tensed above me. "Fuck Baby" he rolled off me and laid down on the bed beside me, gently panting as he stared up at the ceiling.

"That was good."

"Just good?" my lips twitched into a smile as he turned to meet my gaze. I rolled to face him, settling my hand on his cheek as I shook my head.

"It was amazing" I leant in to peck his lips. "At least we know I'm still attracted to you" he rolled his eyes as I pulled away. "I'm gonna go and pee" he quickly wrapped his arm around me before I had the chance to climb out of bed.

"I..." he pressed a peck to my nose. "Love..." he delicately kissed both of my cheeks. "You" he softly kissed me. I smiled against his lips as I slid my hand along his cheek.

"I love you too" we stared into each other's eyes for a moment. "Can I please pee?" he laughed as he nodded. He unwrapped his arm from around me and I slid out of bed.


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