🌹Part One : Chapter One

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Episode - None
Five Years ago

"Lilly, time to go." Lillian looked confused before nodding and got up.

"Where are we going, daddy?" The almost eleven year old asked before she was picked up. "Puppy." Lillian whined before her father grabbed her stuffed wolf. Lillian squeezed it and laid her head on his shoulder as he rushed out of her room. Lillian watched as her mother met up with them, with a few bags. "Daddy, what's going on?" Lillian tiredly asked.

"Remember when we told you monsters are real?" Lillian nodded before her father continued, "The monsters have come for you, baby girl."

"Why me?"

"We don't know, baby. But we need to go to keep you safe." Lillian's mother stated as she threw the bags in the back seat while her father put her in her busterseat.

"Get buckled." He ordered and Lillian nodded before getting buckled and grabbed her wolf. The two adults got in the car before her mother peeled out of the driveway and sped down the road. Lillian stared out the window before raising her head confused.

"Daddy, who's that?" She asked and he followed her gaze before tightly closing his eyes.

"Baby, go to bed. We love you, Lilly" Lillian tiredly nodded before closing her eyes. Lillian's mother drove even faster, to try and get away from the person chasing them. She took a sharp left before the car was flipped over and the driver's door was ripped off.

"She's mine!" A voice boomed before ripping the mother out of the car and tossed her back. He ripped the back door off and looked at the little girl. The creature, appeared, to smile at the scared little girl before pulling her father out of the car.

Lillian watched as the creature tore her father's throat out before tossing him to the side and turned his attention to the small girl. The creature pulled Lillian out of the car before gently picking her stuffed toy off the ground and handed it back to her. Lillian tried to pull away from the creature as she fought back tears. The creature ran it's nail over her cheek, as if trying to comfort the scared child, before something changed and it bit into her neck before dropping her and left her bleeding on the ground.


"Over here!" A voice called as Lillian weakly raised her hand. "She's just a kid." The same person said before picking her up, then her wolf, after seeing how she was trying to hold it. He placed her on a stretcher. They rushed her to an ambulance as someone checked her over.

"Lillian?" Came the confused voice of the Sheriff.

"You know her?"

"I'm friends with her aunt." He stated before Lillian was put in the ambulance. The EMT nodded before telling the sheriff to call her, and he knew she was working and knew it would be better if she knew about her niece before they got to the hospital.


"Melissa, hi. I have some knews about your sister." Noah slowly stated.

"What happened?"

"There was a car crash, and I know it's shit for not telling you in person but I'd rather you know before the ambulance gets to the hospital." Noah started before letting out a sigh, "It's Lillian. She's alive but losing a lot of blood, and it doesn't look good." Noah stated.

"And my sister?"

"We can't find her but her husband's dead, a few feet from the car."

"What do you mean you can't find her?"

"I'll talk with you later, you know all I know right now." Noah stated and Melissa let out a sigh.

"Okay, I can handle this..." It was silent for a few seconds before Melissa let out another sigh. "Thank you for informing me, Noah. How far away are you?"

"Like twenty minutes away from the county line, so like an hour or so away from Beacon Hills. So like thirty to fourty minutes with the ambulance."

"Okay, do they need anything from me?"

"You'll have to wait until they get there, Melissa."

"I'm gonna go cry real quick, can you call Raf and tell him?"

"Yeah I can tell him." Noah got a small thank you before the two hung up.


Melissa sat next to a sleeping Lillian, with rather puffy eyes, before the door opened.

"Mom?" Melissa quickly wiped her eyes before sending her son a smile.


"Is Lillian okay?"

"I don't know, baby." Melissa honestly answered before the ten year old walked over to her and sat by Lillian's legs. "Where's your father?"

"He had to go back to work." He answered and Melissa nodded before looking back at her niece. "Is she going to live with us?"

"Maybe, your father and I need to talk about it... I would like if she did, would you?"

"I would."

"Okay, Scott." Melissa's head snapped over when she felt Lillian's finger twitch. "Hi, princess." Lillian hummed and Melissa nodded before she sat up. "I need to tell you something." Melissa started but saw the look in Lillian's eye and it told her she already knew.

"I see our patient's awake." Noah stated and Melissa nodded.


"Getting a Reese's cup." Noah answered and Lillian hummed before yawning. "You don't have to talk right now but I do need to ask you questions about what happened." Lillian hummed before a gasp rang threw. Lillian was, all but, tackled down and on the bed. "Stiles!" Noah snapped as Stiles rolled off the small girl, but still tightly held on to her.

"I'm not moving." Stiles snapped as Lillian started dozing off. She laid her head on Stiles shoulder and fell back asleep. "Now I can't move." Stiles sassed before getting comfortable. Noah shook his head before sharing a look with Melissa.

"Come on, let's let Lillian sleep, Scott." Melissa hummed and Scott nodded before the three left the room.

"Where are we going to go while they sleep?"

"We can go get food." Stiles watched the door closed before he pressed his nose and mouth to Lillian's shoulder.

"Not allowed away from me." Stiles whispered before closing his eyes. "Mine." He mumbled before dozing off.

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