🌹Part Two : Chapter Ten

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Episode - None
Italic's is French and someone on the phone.
Lillian's POV

"Darling, come on. What's taking so long." I huffed as I sat on our queen sized bed.

"Baby, you know I can't tie a bow tie." Stiles huffed and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you need help."

"Yes please." I got up, flattening my dressed, before walking into the bathroom. "Damn you look stunning." Stiles grinned as I grabbed his tie and tied it.

"Thank you. I made it myself." I did a little curtsy and Stiles' smile grew. "You look ravishing yourself, darling." Stiles grinned as I tightened his tie.

"Thank you, my love." Stiles hummed before grabbing his jacket. I smiled before grabbing his hand and pulled him out of the bathroom. I smiled before grabbing a flower crown. I put it on and walked to our door. I traced the door before opening it showing off the Celtic Sea. "This is pretty. Where are we? Stiles hummed as we walked threw.


"Is this why you had us stay awake all night, love?" Stiles asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, it's ten in the morning here."

"So what's our plan?"

"We're gonna go to a museum then a national park, a lighthouse, a fort, then Pointe Saint Mathieu. And finally dinner at eight in Paris. Lunch can be whaever, my darling." Stiles grinned.

"I love lighthouses."

"I know, along with national parks." Stiles wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked. "We gotta get a car though." Stiles let out a noise as we started walking.

"Why do we need a car?"

"Do you want to walk over two hours for one of the things?"

"No, let's get a car. You're driving."

"Obviously, you don't have a driver's liecense in Europe." I sassed and Stiles laughed before kissing my head. "I know, I'ma try hard." I joked and Stiles chuckled as we found a rental place.

"Daciana?" I looked at Stiles confused. "Mieczyslaw?"

"Do we know that woman?" I shook my head before whispering, "No, I'm getting bad vibes though."

"Come on, lets get a car."

"Wait, what have you two been up to. You haven't aged a day!"

"Are you sure we don't know them?" Stiles whispered and I nodded.

"Hundred percent, they look 40... at the youngest, there is no way in hell we would know them, unless they where a child in the 50s." I huffed and Stiles nodded as we went inside of the building. "Hello."

"I wasn't aware French was on that list of languages you know."

"I know every language, darling." I sassed and Stiles smiled before kissing my temple. "I would like to rent a car please." The man looked at me confused before listing off the things I needed. I nodded before pulling out what was needed and handed it over to the man.

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