🌹Part 3B : Chapter Four

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Episode - Letharia Vulpina (Based on the episode)

Lillian locked herself in her art room, silently sobbing to herself, in the dark. She is not handling the thought of Stiles dying well. A knock rang threw and Lillian froze, forcing herself to stop crying, before she got up and opened the door.

"Are you okay?" Alastair asked and Lillian shook her head before breaking down, sobbing loudly. "Come here, come here, honey." Alastair cooed as he pulled Lillian into a hug. "Drayce, I need you," Alastair whispered, and not even a second later his husband showed up. Drayce recoiled when he saw Lillian clinging to Alastair.

"What do you need me to do?" Drayce asked.

"I need you to make Blue Rose tea with a pinch of red, please, and thank you," Alastair answered and Drayce nodded before going to the kitchen. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's get you in the tub, to calm you down." Lillian nodded as she looked at Alastair with puffy eyes.

"Can I have strawberries?" Lillian hiccuped and Alastair nodded.

"Of course... Of course, you can, honey. You want them covered in chocolate?" Lillian nodded causing Alastair to nod before he led her to her tower. Alastair turned the water in her tub on. "Why don't you sit at your vanity, I'll be back in a minute, do you want bubbles?" Lillian shook her head and Alastair nodded. "Okay, how 'bout that bathbomb that makes it look milky?" Lillian softly nodded and Alastair nodded. "Okay, sweetheart." Alastair mused before walking over to her bath shelf. He pulled a bath bomb off the shelf before walking over to the tub and dropped it in. "Now I will be back in a few minutes with your snacks and tea." Lillian softly nodded as she sat down on her chair. Alastair left the bathroom and made the five-minute walk to the kitchen just in time to see Drayce pouring the boiling water over the satchel of tea. "How's it going?" He asked and Drayce looked at his husband.

"We just need to wait the five minutes before we can add her sugar and honey."

"Good." Alastair nodded as he walked over to his husband. "You and I need to have a small talk about how you've been treating our Goddess."

"Don't start, we've talked about this enough, Alastair." Drayce huffed.

"She has been like our daughter for centuries, my husband. You cannot lock her out because she is a little emotional. She gets that from you, by the way." Drayce rolled his eyes. "She is our daughter, Drayce, we have to be there for her because nobody else is. She needs the support you know this. All she has had for centuries was us and her husband, but she no longer has him so she needs us." Drayce sighed before nodding.

"I know, I know... I know." Drayce agreed as he rubbed his eyes. "It hurts to see her in so much pain, my husband. We raised her, several times. We talked her threw her heartache when Mieczyslaw and her fought. We talked her threw what to expect when she was with child. We had to watch her die several times."

"Daddy?" Lillian softly asked and Alastair felt his heart explode with love but also break at the tone she used.

"Yeah, sweetheart."

"I've always been daddy, not you. You've always been papa." Drayce huffed.

"Who are you talking to, baby?" Alastair asked and Lillain pointed at him. "What do you need?"

"Can I... Can I... Um... Can I have ice cream instead?"

"Of course, why don't you go get in the tub. I'll bring it to you along with your tea."

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