🌹Part One : Chapter Ten

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Episode - Wolf's Bane (Takes place durning)
Ignore the time and battery life on the picture, I can't change those on the thing I use and it kills me.
Third Peron POV
~With Lillian~

Lillian speds down the highway, debating weither or not to drive into a tree just for the laughs. Lillian shook her head before pulling over. She ran her hands over her face before pulling out her phone.

If you go back in time and kill Hilter would that create a paradox, changing the world as we know it or would we be fine?

Defiantly change the world as we know it.

Are you okay, by the way? Lydia told me what happened?

What exactly did she tell you?

That her and Stiles had sex and have been for a while.

Well I'm debating whether or not to drive into a tree, hance the messaging you while on a freeway.

Do you want me to come to you?

No, I think I'm just gonna continue driving. Probably skip school tomorrow.

And that's 100% fine, just keep in contact.

Okay, probably with Melissa though.

I mean I'd prefer with me and her, so I know you're okay. I won't tell Stiles or Scott... I mean I'm not talking to Scott anyway but Stiles would bug me to tell him.

Fine, Ill make a group chat with you, me, and Auntie. Does that make you feel better?

Yes, thank you.

Lillian rubbed her eyes before making the group chat she said she would.

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