🌹Part Two : Chapter One

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For the record think Richie Boyle from the Outfit.
Dreams are in third person as of right now.
Episode - Omega
Lillian's POV

Daciana looked around the wooded area when arms wrapped around her waist.

"Good day, my love." She looked at her husband and smiled at him.

"Good afternoon, my darling. What have you gotten up too?" Daciana asked as she placed her hand on his cheek.

"Well, come with me and I'll show you."

"Will you now, Richie?"

"I will, now come on, Damon doesn't want you near the woods."

"But I want to walk threw the woods, darling." Daciana argued and Richie shook his head.

"You where told no forest, my love."

"But they never gave me a reason so I want to find out why."

"We'll go later, my love. Your uncle's watching us."

"You wanna come with me?"

"Of course. I am your husband, I must keep you safe."

"Honey, darling... You are the light of my life but you are scared of worms, if anything I will be keeping you safe."

"Worms are fucking gross. And I don't know how you can hold them after it rains." Richie snapped and she shook her head before grabbing his hand and walked to the back door. The two got inside and Daciana was hugged.

"So I hear you two are talking about kids?" Damon asked and she looked at Richie confused.

"I have said nothing, my love. I promise." Richie said and Daciana nodded.

"You better not have."

"That means turning him, bean."

"No, I found a casting with a mix of... Of..." Daciana started as she opened and closed her hand before looking at Richie.

"Herbs?" Daciana pointed at him and smiled.

"Yeah, herbs." She cheered. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, my love." Richie hummed before kissing her forehead. "I am going to make us some tea, because I don't want to be scolded by Damon."

"Earl Gray?"

"Of course, Daciana." Daicana smiled at Richie before he vanished into the kitchen.

"So, kids?"

"Yeah, we are only talking about it." Damon nodded before hugging her.

"First new Gods born in millenniums.

"Do you want cookies, love?"

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