🌹Part Four : Chapter Eleven

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~Year 2223~
~With Daicana~
~A week later~

Daciana let out a giggle as she watched Mitch leave their bedroom in his wolf slippers, it made her very happy to see him use them.

"G'mornin'." Mitch tiredly greeted before kissing Daciana's head as she held Frodo. "How'd you sleep, my love?"

"Restlessly," Daciana answered and Mitch nodded. "How 'bout you?" Mitch shrugged.

"I woke up a few times because you weren't next to me. It made me think something happened to you." Daciana looked at him with a frown. "I had to check the house until I woke up more and remember, we're married and you just wanted to spend the night at your parents'." Daciana got off the couch, placed Frodo on the ground, and followed Mitch to the kitchen. She kissed his shoulder blade and Mitch was probably going to make the worst decision of his life. "Do you want to have sex with me this weekend, like all weekend long... Just the two of us alone, for 48ish hours?" Mitch asked and Daciana stared at him. "Love?" Mitch softly asked as he turned to face her. "Love, I need an answer."

"No protection?"

"Well, I'm not removing the gun from the drawer." Daciana sent him a glare and Mitch chuckled. "No protection, if that's what you want," Mitch stated as he placed his hands on her cheeks.

"Yes please." Daciana nodded and Mitch smiled.

"I'm going to need to you take some things first."

"I'm not doing birth control. I tried it when I was younger, one almost killed me and the others made me really sick."

"That is not what I am talking about, love."

"Then okay." Daciana huffed and Mitch chuckled before kissing her forehead.

"I will make plans for this weekend then." Mitch mused before moving away from her and making himself a cup of tea, Daciana couldn't stand the smell of coffee. It makes her physically sick so Mitch cut coffee out of his life. "Do you want kids?" Mitch asked and Daciana let out a long hum as she thought of the answer. "It's okay if you don't want them, love. I just want to know." Mitch said and Daciana let out a shorter hum.

"Yeah." Mitch looked surprised.

"Yeah?" He asked and She nodded.

"Yeah, I want two kids." Mitch grinned.

"I want two kids too," Mitch whispered. "I've wanted two kids my whole life."

"Huh, we really are made for each other then." Mitch's grin grew before he closed the short distance between the two. He placed his right hand on her neck and placed his left on her hip before pulling her into a kiss. Daciana wrapped her arms around his waist as she kissed back. She pulled away after a minute and smiled at him.

"I'm glad we can agree we were made for each other." Mitch mused before hugging Daciana. "Bubba?" Mitch asked as Daciana dug her face into his shoulder.


"Do you want to meet your twin sister for your birthday?" Daciana moved away from him and looked confused. "It's your choice, you don't have to if you don't want to."

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