🌹Part Four : Chapter Ten

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~Year 2222~
~With Daciana~
~Christmas day~

Daciana shifted in her sleep as Mitch walked back into the room with a tray of food for her.

"Love, it's time to get up," Mitch whispered and Daciana shifted again before raising her head.

"What time is it?"

"Ten, my love," Mitch answered and Daciana turned and sat up.

"Is that for me?" She asked pointing to the food.

"It is."

"Oh," Daciana whispered and Mitch smiled before placing the tray down. "Thank you." Daciana mumbled as she looked at the food, "Did you make some for yourself?"

"I did, my love. And I ate it already." Mitch answered and Daciana nodded.


"Want me to stay and watch you eat?"

"Obviously." Daciana huffed and Mitch smiled before getting up and lifting the blanket so he could rub her feet. "What are you doing?"

"Showing you what you're getting into with marrying me." Mitch calmly said as he moved her feet to his lap and started rubbing her left one. Daciana let out a hum as she ate and Mitch smiled. "I love watching you sleep." Mitch mused as Daciana drank some of the orange juice.

"You are aware of how creepy that sounds right?" Daciana asked and Mitch nodded.

"I am, but I'm not going to lie to you. I spent around an hour watching you before I got up to do things."

"What did you do?"

"Well I woke up at 6, so I spent until 7 watching you. Then I cleaned up a bit and finished wrapping some presents for you, which finished around 9. Then I started on breakfast and woke you up." Mitch answered and Daciana smiled as she finished a piece of toast.

"Do you have anything planned?" Daciana asked as she cut into a waffle.

"Nope, I get Christmas off every year. I do have to go see my dad if you want to come." Mitch offered and Daciana nodded.

"Do I have to wear pants?"

"We're going to northern California, so no."


"Beacon Hills." Mitch answered before asking, "He's expecting me at 11:30 and I would love if you met him."

"Okay, you've met my parents." Daciana yawned before drinking the tea. "Only fair."

"Good, but beware he's been around as long as me so he might think you're Lillian and that you've forgiven me."

"You haven't talked to him about me?" Daciana asked and Mitch sighed.

"I have, I just haven't told him who I'm seeing exactly," Mitch stated and Daciana nodded.

"Should you call him and tell him about me?"

"I will call and tell him not to freak out when he sees you," Mitch stated and Daciana nodded. "Can I kiss you?" Mitch asked and Daciana looked at him.

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