🌹Part Four : Chapter One

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~Year 2222~
~With Daciana~

"We ready to go, honey?" Drayce asked as Daciana walked over to him with her bag over her shoulder.

"Yep, when is Alastair meeting us?"

"In two hours, so we have two hours to eat all the junk we want." Daciana grinned before linking arms with Drayce. The two left his class and made their way to his car. Daciana climbed in the passenger seat before placing her bag in the back. She looked out the back window and frowned. "Honey?" Daciana shook her head before looking at him.


"You okay?"

"Yeah, just felt like someone was watching me." Daciana answered and Drayce nodded.

"We'll tell Alastair about it when we meet him for dinner, okay?" Daciana nodded before turning to face the front and got buckled.

"Alright." Daciana nodded before Drayce backed out of his parking spot and drove down the road. "I don't think we should eat all the junk food."

"That was a joke, sweetheart." Drayce stated and Daciana frowned before looking back into the back window. "What?" Drayce asked as he glanced into the rear veiw mirror. "What, honey."

"Turn left, please." Daciana stated and Drayce listened and hit the left blinker. Daciana watched as the car bahind her turned on their left blinker on. Drayce turned and Daciana frowned. "Keep turning left until you make a full circle." Daciana stated and Drayce nodded before doing as told.

"What? What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"We're being followed." Daciana answered and something shifted in Drayce.

"Sit back and hold on tight, Daciana." Drayce stated and she listened, tightly grabbing the handle above the door.


"What took you two so long? All you had to do was run home and get changed." Alastair asked and Daciana sat down.

"We where followed so Drayce decided to go street racing." Daciana answered and Drayce slowly closed his eyes.

"We agreed not to tell him about the street racing."

"No, you said not to tell him but I don't have to listen to you only Alastair, mama, and papa."

"I'm your brother-in-law." Drayce huffed and Daciana shrugged.

"Not good enough." Alastair smiled as he watched the two bicker before a waiter walked over to them.

"Hello, I'm Steve and I'll be your waiter tonight. What can I get you started with.

"Sherly temple, please, with ginger ale. And all the cherries." Steve nodded before looking at Alastair.

"Hot tea."

"Sherly temple, give her my cherries." Drayce stated and Steve nodded before Daciana looked around confused. "Same feeling as earlier?"

"Yeah. I'm probably just being paranoid." Daciana brushed her feeling off before looking toward Alastair. "How was work?" Daciana asked and Alastair sighed before crossing his arms over his chest. "That bad?"

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