🌹Part Four : Chapter Eight

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~Year 2222~
~With Daciana~
~Two weeks before Christmas~

Daciana sat in her school's library when the feeling of being watched returned and she wished she had Mitch with her, unfortunately, he was sent on a 'job' overseas until the day before Monroe's work party. She would Facetime him but it's currently around 3 am where he is.

"Mitch, shouldn't you be asleep?" Daciana asked as she answered her phone, glad she had her headphones on.

"Is it really that late, I just got done with what I was doing and wanted to talk with you."

"And not see my face?"

"I... don't want the people I'm with to see your face," Mitch answered.

"So I'm guessing ending with an 'I love you' is off the table?"

"That would be correct, dear." Daciana frowned as she packed up. "So what are you up to?" Mitch asked as Daciana put her things in her bag.


"Baby, it's Christmas break for you. You should be sleeping in and doin' nothing." Mitch scolded and Daciana let out a hum as she left the library.

"But I have more important things to do."

"You are something else, love."

"I am going to assume that is a compliment," Daciana stated as she started the short walk back to her brother's.

"Have you thought more about my offer?" Mitch asked and Daciana nodded.

"I have."

"Do you have an answer?" Mitch asked and Daciana started feeling giddy.

"I do." She sheepishly answered as she unlocked the front door, the feeling of being watched getting worse.

"What is your answer?" Mitch asked and Daciana let out a hum.


"Yeah?" Mitch asked and Daciana nodded as she grabbed a water from the fridge.

"Uh-huh." She nodded as she walked to her room, which was only filled with boxes and her bed.

"You want to move in with me?"

"Yeah." Daciana nodded as she nibbled on her thumb, having placed her water on the nightstand.

"Do we want to look for a bigger place together?" Mitch asked and Daciana shook her head.

"No, I like your apartment."

"What if it's not big enough for all your things?" Mitch asked and Daciana shrugged.

"I can just leave most of my things here, although I will need a shelf for my yarn and fabric."

"You can have as many shelves as you want, baby." Mitch mused and Daciana smiled before looking out her window.


"Yes, love?"

"I think someone's outside my window."

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