🌹Part One : Chapter Nine

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Episode - Lunatic (Skipping night school)
Third Person POV

Stiles walked into Lillian's room and saw her curled up in her chair, fast asleep.

"Hi, my love. Let's get you in bed." Stiles mused before picking Lillian up and she inhaled. She looked around before looking at Stiles.

"What are you doing here?" Lillian aked.

"Well Allison broke up with Scott so I've come to kidnap him and get him drunk."

"He can't get drunk."

"Your fault?"

"Uh-huh, the first werewolves pissed me off so I punished them." Lillian tiredly answered as Stiles placed her on her bed. He kissed Lillian's forehead before tucking her in.

"Well we're just gonna have to test that, huh?" Stiles sassed before handing Lillian her wolf.

"Thank you."

"You just go to bed, I'll bring Scott back in one peace."

"Two." Stiles laughed before nodding.

"Can I pick the two pieces?" Stiles asked and Lillian nodded before puckering her lips. Stiles smiled before kissing her. "I love you." Stiles whispered.

"Goodnight." Stiles frowned when Lillian didn't say it back.

"I love you, my love." Stiles whispered before kissing her cheek. "I love you so much, and I'm so so sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" Lillian yawned and Stiles shook his head.

"Don't worry, baby. Just go to bed, we'll talk later." Lillian nodded before digging her face into her wolf. "Damn, you're beautiful." Stiles mused before kissing her neck. "Okay, I'm gonna leave now. I love you." Stiles hummed before leaving Lillian's room and met Scott downstairs.

"Is she coming?"

"She was sleepin', I didn't want to wake her." Stiles answered and Scott nodded.

"How are the rings going?"

"Going well, I'm actually looking in the attic and basement because I'm fairly certain my grandparents had rings almost identical to the one's Lillian drew, inner detail and everything." Stiles answered and Scott nodded.

"So are you going to propose soon?"

"No, we agreed eighteen when we move across the country for her college and my academy." Stiles hummed and Scott nodded as they climbed into Stiles' jeep. "We need to have a talk because she doesn't want kids but I do, so we're gonna have to talk that out. But has of right now, that's not an issue. We're probably going to end up adopting, along with some dogs... maybe a bird." Stiles went silent before adding, "She would totally teach a bird how to attack people."

"Wow, you're really thinking about a life with Lillian, huh?"

"Yeah, yeah. Have been since we started dating, Scott." Stiles answered and Scott smiled at his friend. "It's just..." Stiles let out a breath before continuing, "It's her for me, Scott, there's no one else. Never has been, never will be, and I know that now more than ever."

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