🌹Part One : Part Eleven

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Episode - Co-Captian & Formality
As of right now, 10:51 pm on April 23, 2022, I have had a terrible idea that you are going to have to wait and see if I follow threw on. Please try and guess what it is, that'd be amusing. Thank you.
This is 2000+ words longer than normal so enjoy.
Third Person POV

"This is probably the dumbest fucking idea I've ever had, but I need to talk to someone and he's always been the easiest person to talk to." Lillian muttered to herself before ringing the Stilinski's doorbell. A few minutes later the door was opened and Stiles stared at her in surprised.

"H... Hi." He greeted and she nodded. "You okay?"

"No." Lillian softly answered and Stiles nodded before pulling her into a hug.

"Wanna talk about it?" Stiles asked and Lillian nodded into his neck.


"Okay, I'll make some tea." Stiles said before leading Lillian to the couch. "You sit here I'll be back in a minute, my love." Lillian nodded before sitting on the couch and started playing with one of the pillows. Stiles closed the front door before going to the kitchen and started muttering to himself as he searched their hot drink cabinet, "Tea. Tea... Okay, tea. Lillian's favorite tea. Yes!" Stiles cheered as he held up the black tea. Stiles set the kettle, Lillian got him Christmas last year, on the stove and went back to Lillian. "So what are we going to talk about?"

"Remember my boss, Damon?"


"He claims he's my uncle." Stiles looked confused before nodding.

"Oh." Stiles said and Lillian nodded.


"Anything else?"

"It can wait until the tea."

"Okay." Stiles nodded before getting up and walking to the kitchen, "The usual or sad baby tea?" Stiles called and Lillian let out a hum.

"Sad baby tea." Lillian answered.

"Do you want sad baby cuddles also while you rant?" Stiles called as he put the tea bag in the Star Wars kettle.


"Okay." Stiles whispered, smiling to himself. Stiles set a timer on his phone, five minutes, and grabbed their normal mugs. He got back to Lillian and sat down. "Come here, we have a few minutes before the alarm goes off. What else did you learn yesterday?"

"Well I have a twin sister, which you know about."

"I do, yeah."

"Turns out we are, pretty much, destined to kill each other forever. That's all we do, we don't get along... And when one of us dies the other dies a few hours later." Stiles nodded as he rubbed Lillian's stomach, while she rubbed his arm. Lillian sighed before laying her head on his arm and went silent. The alarm went off and Stiles sighed.

"I'll be right back." Lillian nodded before sitting up and Stiles got up and went to the kitchen to finish their tea.


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