🌹 Part 3A : Chapter Ten

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Episode - Lunar Ellipse

"I saw it. I know where it is." Scott said as he, Allison, and Stiles jerked out of the water. Lillian got up and grabbed her things, ready to leave.

"We passed it. There's-there's a stump... this huge tree-- well, it's not huge anymore, it was cut down-- but it's still big, though! Very big!" Stiles said as he got out of the tub and walked over to Lillian. "We planted it together. It was a wedding gift."

"It was the night we were looking for the body--" Scott continued as he ignored Stiles, only to have Stiles interject, "Yeah, the same night you were bitten by Peter." Stiles placed his hands on Lillian's hips, and to his surprise she didn't move and stared at him with a look that could only be described as heartbroken. Stiles leaned closer and rested his forehead against hers, watching as she closed her eyes. All that was running threw his mind was how much he loves Lillian and how he would do anything to prove it to her.

"I was there, too, in the car with my mother. We almost hit someone." Allison added and in a stunned tone Scott said, "It was me-- you almost hit me." Stiles pulled away from Lillian and opened his eyes before looking around. Stiles looked back at Lillian and smiled at her, causing Lillian to smile back.

'I love you.' Stiles mouthed and Lillian let out a sigh.

"We can find it." Scott said causing the two to look at him.

"...What?" Allison asked, looking at Isaac.

"You guys were out a long time..." Isaac hesitantly said and Stiles looked at him before asking, "How long is a long time?"

"...Sixteen hours." Deaton answered and the three's eyes widened. Stiles looked at Lillian, even more susprised that she stayed.

"We've been in the water for sixteen hours???" Scott asked in disbelief.

"And the full moon rises in less than four." Deaton said and Stiles looked back at Lillian.

"You do not leave my side, if she can't get you this is over." Stiles said and Lillian softly nodded.


"Good girl."

"What?" Isaac asked and the two looked at him.

"Jennifer wants Lillian to kill our parents. It's why she kidnapped her and drilled a hole in her head, so she has to stay by my side for her safety and my peace of mind." Stiles answered and Lydia bluntly stated, "Let's just kill her and stop this whole thing now." The glares Lydia recieved from Stiles and Allison shut her up.

"Say something like that again and I will kill you." Stiles snapped as he pulled Lillain into a hug. Stiles kissed her head a few times, much to the annoyance of Lillian. "I love you." Stiles whispered and Lillian sighed.

"I know." She sighed. Lillian finished packing her things, ignoring as Stiles and Scott argued about him going back to Deucalion, with Deaton weighing in every now and again before Ethan showed up to beg for Lydia to help him stop Aiden from killing Derek.

"Come on, love. We'll go to the castle, you can crochet or paint while I work." Stiles hummed as he held out a hand for her.

"I would rather go to your house than the castle."

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