🌹Part One : Chapter Four

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Episode - Second Chance of First Line
(Part two of this episode)

"So Derek can't lie to you because of your name?" Stiles asked as the two stood in the woods and Lillian nodded.

"In simple terms yeah."

"You gonna give me the complicated terms later?"

"If you think you're up for that." Lillian mused and Stiles smiled.

"We're gonna ask Derek some questions, honey."

"You mean you are and I'm gonna tell him to answer honestly." Lillian mused and Stiles nodded.

"Exactly, see we work perfectly together." Stiles hummed. "I should apologize for dismissing you when you said it was Derek's sister, I mean I don't believe you but I shouldn't of dismissed you like that... But you also can't expect me to believe everything you say just because you said it."

"Then I'm not gonna believe everything you say just 'cause you said it." Lillian sassed and Stiles looked surprised.

"But... it's me."

"And it's me, so what's the difference between the two of us?" Lillian asked and Stiles sighed.

"I see your point, darling." The two watched as Derek was pushed into a deputy's cruiser. "Come on, baby. Time to question Derek." Stiles mused before pulling her to the cruiser. He climbed in before pulling Lillian onto his lap.

"Okay, just so you know, I'm not afraid of you." Stiles huffed, rather nervous. He tightened his arms around her waist as Derek looked at the two, threw his eyelashes, and scowled at Stiles. "...Okay, maybe I am. Doesn't matter. I just wanna know something." Stiles shifted slightly and Lillian placed a hand on his cheek before calmly saying.

"You are going to answer his questions, honestly. And if I found out you lied to him... I will kill you." Lillian stated before kissing Stiles' cheek. "I'm gonna go before your dad sees us."

"What?" Stiles asked surprised.

"I don't want to get scolded by your dad. I love you, but you're on your own on that one, bubba." Stiles sighed before nodding.

"Fine. I love you, and you better give a damn good eulogy at my funeral."

"I will." Lillian hummed before getting up and leaving Stiles alone to talk with Derek.

"So you and Stiles are okay?" Scott asked Lillian got over to him.

"Yeah." Lillian answered before getting in the driver's seat and sat sideways in it.

"Do you two fight often?" Scott asked and Lillian shook her head.

"Not really."

"What happens when you fight."

"We don't talk for a few hours, giving each other time to cool down, then we talk it out. We don't like fighting but sometimes it happens and we work it out."

"How adult of you."

"Not adult, we both feel sick after we fight. So we try not to fight." The cousins watched as Stiles was pulled out of the cruiser by his father.

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