🌹Part Four : Chapter Nine

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~Year 2222~
~With Daciana~
~Day of the Work Christmas Party~

Daciana placed the slippers she made for Mitch in a box before putting a bow on it.

"Sweetheart?" Rosalee asked as she knocked on the doorframe.

"Yeah, mama?" Daciana asked.

"What's in the box?" Rosalee asked as she smiled at her daughter.

"A present for Mitch."



"You made him slippers?" Rosalee asked and Daciana nodded.

"I did, they're wolves."

"I'm sure he'll love them."

"Hopefully." Daciana mused as she placed the box on her nightstand. The doorbell rang and Rosalee excused herself to answer it.

"Hello, Mitch. I thought you were coming by at 5."

"And I am, I just stopped by for a few minutes to talk with my wife."

"Hi." Daciana grinned as she saw Mitch.

"Hi, love."

"What are you doing here?" Daciana asked as she walked over to him.

"Just dropping off a present for you."

"But we agreed to give presents tomorrow." Daciana pointed out and Mitch nodded.

"I know, I just want to give this one to you now," Mitch stated as he held up a box wrapped in paper. Daciana stared at him and Mitch chuckled. "It's nothing bad, I promise," Mitch stated and Daciana nodded before taking the box.

"Thank you."

"I will be back at 5 then." Mitch smiled before leaving the two alone.

"Open it," Rosalee stated as she closed the door. Daciana nodded before unwrapping and opening the box, showing off a silver necklace with an MS on it.

"A necklace?"

"It would appear that way," Rosalee stated as the two looked at it. Daciana looked confused at the necklace.

"Do you want me to help you put it on?" Rosalee stated and Daciana shook her head.

"No, I can put it on, I'm just confused, I don't wear necklaces, I've told him the reasons why I don't wear necklaces so I don't know why he got me one."

"You could always ask." Rosalee mused and Daciana nodded before closing the box.

"Yeah, I will later. I'm gonna go start getting ready."

"Alright, sweetheart." Rosalee mused before Daciana let her mother and went to her room.

~With Mitch~

Rosalee and Monroe laughed as Mitch showed up at their house in a clock costume.

"I was not supposed to show up as a clock was I?" Mitch asked as Daciana hopped down the stairs. As soon as she saw Mitch she burst out laughing.

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