🌹Part 3A : Chapter Two

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Episode - Chaos Rising
Third Person POV
~With Lillian~

Lillian sat on the king sized bed as Stiles slowly walked back into the room, holding two cups of tea. Stiles climbed on the bed and moved to sit behind Lillian.

"Here, love."

"You can't keep calling me that, Stiles."

"You keep calling me darling, so why can't I call you love?" Stiles asked and Lillian leaned back, and into him.

"I'm working on not calling you darling."

"I like when you call me darling, though." Stiles mumbled before resting his chin on her shoulder. He turned his head and dug his face into her neck. "I love when you call me darling."

"I know, and I love when you call me love but we aren't together and in two months we can start seeing other people." Stiles raised his head, looking visably upset, "And I bet you're gonna go after Lydia." Lillian got off the bed and left the room.

"Well I'm not, I only want you, Lillian." Stiles mumbled before his phone went off, telling him he got a text message.

Stiles lifted his phone up and looked at the unknown number, he unlocked his phone and read the text, 'Hey, it's Heather. Are you coming to my birthday party?'

Stiles sighed before getting up, decided to go because he didn't feel welcomed here anymore. He left the room and wondered around, until he found Lillian in her art room.

"Honey, I'm gonna go." Stiles said and Lillian looked at him before nodding.


"I don't have to, ya know... If you don't want me too."

"No, I'm fine with you leaving, I'll just have George come." Lillian answered and Stiles sighed before nodding. He closed the distance between himself and her before he kissed the back of her head.

"Do you want me to come back?"

"No, I'm fine alone... Well, George will be here, so I won't be alone alone."

"Okay." Stiles whispered before leaving Lillian in her art room. Lillian sighed before looking at her toes. She looked back up before grabbing a metal palette after putting on a smock. Lillian sniffled before putting random colors of paint and picked up a brush.

"George?" Lillian asked and not even a second later George was on the other side of the canvas.

"Yes, my Goddess?"

"Please go make sure Nick is okay, something feels off with him." George nodded before vanishing. Lillian nodded to herself before picking white up and painted the whole canvas before picking up a cyan blue.

~With Stiles~

"What?" Stiles huffed.

"What do you mean, 'What?'" Scott asked and Stiles sent him a dark look.

"I mean 'What?', and you know what." Stiles snapped.

"'What' what?" Scott asked confused.

"That look you were giving!" Stiles huffed and Scott denied, "I didn't give a look..."

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