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The Moon Goddess, I knew she was watching over me. For years I pictured her in my dreams, there was something moon-soaked and dawn-flavored about her. Something kissed by the wild and loved by lightning.

She the Goddess of storm hunting and wolves and moonlight magic. She, the queen of the forest, of womanhood more brutal than tragic.

She, who stood by me.

I glanced up at the moon one more time, hoping to calm my nerves. I had to face my Alpha. Just on the edge of our territory I froze.

'We could run.' The familiar voice in the back of my mind spoke. She was right, we felt at peace in the forest, the mud under our paws and the fresh rain on our muzzle.

But I knew they would hunt me down. As I took a deep breath I quietly approached the house and slowly made my way to the Alpha his office. Forcing my feet to move forward as he called me in.

His dark eyes pierced through me, his arms crossed as he coldly spoke: 'You have failed Lia, you are a disgrace to this pack and to the moon.'

Not a single emotion evident in his voice. This were the rules of the pack. I failed and had to suffer the consequences.

'I, Rodney Conan Silver, Son of the Elder Conan Dave Silver, hereby strip you, Accalia Lycia, from your rank. You'll serve as an Omega until removed from your duties by death.'

Through the open window the moon shone bright, lightning up my face. As a small whisper danced through the crack 'Forte Tempus'

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