Chapter 2: The handsome stranger

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This story is a WangXian/YiZhan story. 

But as you have read the plot you will know that at the beginning it's more about WeiYing and Lan Huan and you might have the feeling it's boring. (I will try to not delay it too much and I promise there will be a "time skip" at some point). I hope you won't mind and despite this unusual couple you will give my story a try :) 

Let's start with the new chapter <3 <3

3rd POV

Lan Wang Ji needed 10 months to finish his task. He introduced himself as a traveler who offered to stay behind to help. Within these 10 months, he rebuilt houses, stores, restaurants, and temples. He planted around 1.000.000 trees and plants of any kind. For the citizens of the northern region, he was a hero. Naturally, he attracted a lot of attention. Elders wanted to have him as a grandson, parents wanted him as a son, men wanted to have him as a brother, and women wanted to marry him.

Wherever he went he was approached by people. Especially women flirted with him nonstop. But no matter how desperate everyone was, Wang Ji never regarded anyone with a gaze longer than 3 seconds. He was said to be as cold as ice. His expression never changed and he never smiled.

After his task was done, his spiritual power came back and he decided to go back home. His job was done and it was time to return, a little unwilling though. He liked the mortal realm and its citizens. For months he lived and worked hard alongside them. After the hard work he would eat dinner with them and truth to be told, it may not look like a lot but it tasted better than the food in the immortal realm. It took Wang Ji several weeks to figure out the food only tasted better because he worked hard to earn it.

At the palace he did nothing. He just sat around, reading a book, playing the zither, or playing with his bunnies and while doing so he would get served a lot of food. But that was something he couldn't change. If he suddenly started to work others might eye him suspiciously.

Only at the mortal realm could he do what he wanted and therefore he decided to come down here more often in the future. But for now, it was time to head back.

He was curious if his brother already returned ...

The task of Lan Huan, however, may have gone smoothly at the beginning, but after a while, everything turned out to be a mess. Those bandits were brutal and scrupulous. They took what they wanted, be it food, clothes, or women, and once someone dared to complain, they would be killed.

Lan Huan was attacked more than once but he was able to fight back as he was good at handling a sword. Soon the bandits knew that Lan Huan was a danger to them and they tried to kill him whenever they could.

The crown prince did not want to kill. Killing someone was only the last resort but soon he had to realize that there was no other way. But he didn't want to kill blindly. He decided to start with the leader of the group and when the others were still misbehaving he would have to end their lives as well.

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