Chapter 9: Auction

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Finished on time! Yuhuuu!! 

Let's get it started. Hope you enjoy <3 <3 <3

Wei Ying's POV

Did I ever say that sleeping on this giant bed was like heaven? If not, then I catch up on that right now. It was the comfiest and softest bed I ever slept on. Well, that wasn't necessarily something amazing because all my life I only slept on one bed before coming here.

I stretched myself thoroughly before opening my eyes and looking at the beautiful blue and golden ceiling. I didn't need to reach out to know that Lan Huan was not next to me. He probably got up long ago doing what a crown prince had to do.

I got up and the minute I left the bed a female servant came in, greeted me with a bow, and disappeared into the bathroom to prepare a bath for me. That made me frown.

How did she even know I was awake? I didn't make the slightest sound. Be it a servant or someone from a higher rank, these immortals have an amazing flair.

After a minute the servant came back and walked into another room coming back several minutes later with new garments and shoes for me to wear after the bath. I didn't do anything and just stood there helplessly until the servant came back and told me the bath was ready. I nodded and when she wanted to follow me to help me I signaled her to leave. I could wash alone and didn't need someone to help me. Especially not a woman.

If the female servant felt hurt about my plea she didn't show it. She bowed and left right away. I went to the bathroom and climbed into the bathtub which was big enough for at least 4 people. In my opinion, it was a waste of water for just one person but for the royals, it was probably the right size.

Once I sat down, I leaned back and closed my eyes. As I was relaxing I remembered the day before. Lan Huan gave me a tour through the royal palace which was almost as big as the village I came from. I already figured out that the royal garden would be my favorite place to relax in the future. Lan Huan told me they had more than one garden and he would show me them some other time but I doubt the others would be as peaceful and as relaxing as the one I visited yesterday.

Later the day he showed me the royal court. I was surprised how many people, mostly male servants, were running around seeming to be very busy. Lan Huan explained that they were busy preparing for our wedding and he wanted it to be the grandest wedding an immortal had seen. I told him it wasn't necessary as all that mattered was that we would be there and our family, of course.

"This is a royal wedding, Wei Ying. All royal weddings are grand and we should have the grandest one. I want to show everyone just how much I love you." These were his words and they warmed my heart.

"Why do others need to know how much we love each other? Isn't it enough that we know it?" I asked him nevertheless.

"I want the whole immortal realm to know it. I want to brag that I got the most amazing and most beautiful consort and that I am the happiest prince ever."

Hearing this I couldn't bear to tell him that I didn't want a grand wedding. Knowing, that when a prince was getting married, thousands of people would attend, was scaring me a little. I didn't want to have that much attention on me. But that was probably the disadvantage to fall in love with a prince, I guessed. If I wanted to be with him I had to sacrifice a little of my privacy.

I was already pretty nervous about the wedding. But having thousand of immortals around me was scaring me. I would be the only mortal. One that was male and pregnant. I could already feel the eyes on me.

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