Chapter 16: Lan Huan gave in...

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I am late by 36 minutes... I am sorry!!! I didn't want to write 6000 words but I couldn't find a good cut. 

I hope you enjoy the new chapter! 

Wei Ying's POV

I didn't know why I told Wang Ji the truth. I mean, he was Lan Huan's brother after all. Blood was thicker than water, right? Yet I still felt the urge to tell him. I was not sure if I did that because I needed someone to talk to or if it was because I felt I could trust Wang Ji. And I knew I could trust him.

So I just revealed to him what I found out. I didn't expect him to do much because it was like he said. He wasn't a good talker and I didn't necessarily need him to say something because nothing he would say could change the truth nor would the pain go away. I just needed someone who would listen to me.

But suddenly Wang Ji got up and I looked at him in shock. I didn't know what I had expected but ... this was definitely not it.

Wang Ji usually wore an expressionless face. Well, for most people it would look expressionless but once you got to know him well, you will see the slight changes and know in what kind of mood he was or what he was thinking. But right now his face was the exact opposite. He looked angry. Not the upset kind of angry but he was furious.

His aura was a bright fiery red. Not the kind of red I saw days ago but this one was different. It screamed that he was furious and for a moment I was scared that I might have said something too harsh against Lan Huan that made him like this. I knew both brothers loved each other dearly and wouldn't accept anyone cursing at the other.

I was about to apologize when he turned around and attempted to leave. For a moment I was uneasy about what to do but then I had this one weird feeling telling me to stop him. I guessed that was the moment I understood he wasn't angry at me because if he was he would stay and reprimand me or tell me to leave. There was no logical reason for him to leave his palace if I was the one he was angry with.

"Wang Ji!" I called him but he continued his way towards the exit. Wen Ning jumped up as well and watched Wang Ji leave in confusion.

'Stop him!' A voice in my head yelled and I immediately run after the second prince.

"Wang Ji, stop!" I commanded but he didn't listen at all so I run faster and stood in his way. I flinched once I looked into his fuming eyes. "Where are you going?" I asked him despite guessing the answer.

"...." He didn't say anything but his eyes became even more fuming.

"Wang Ji..." I took a breath. "I won't allow you to go there!"

His eyes glared into mine. "Why not? How dare he do such a disgusting act!? How dare he hurt you!?"

"It's my business, not yours."

"Then why don't you confront him!? Look what he did! Look how he treats you! How can he do something like this!? Why won't you confront him? Are you going to let him continue to treat you in this way?!"

"Wang Ji, this.... I can't... I...."

"Why not?" Wang Ji asked and this time his voice softened. "What do you get out of staying still and doing nothing? Are you okay that he shares a bed with someone else?"

This time I glared at him. "No, I am not! How can I accept such disgusting behavior from the man I love! He betrayed me, Wang Ji! But what can I do!? Confront him!? What then!? What am I supposed to do then!? What will I get out of it!?"

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