Chapter 7: Sickness or...?

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Yuhuuu, I managed to finish in time!! 

Let's get straight into it. Enjoy <3 <3

Lan Huan's POV

"Brother." I turned around and saw Wang Ji approaching, in his hands the little black bunny.

"Yes? I am in a hurry."

"Is it true? You are going to get married?"

I chuckled. "I want to but I still have to ask him if he is willing to marry me."

"You... did you ask father for an imperial decree?"

I understood what he meant by that almost immediately. "No, Wang Ji. If I get married then only because of mutual feelings. I am not going to handle it as father did."


"I need to go now. For him, it has been about three weeks already. I don't want to keep him waiting."


I laughed. "Thank you, little brother, but it is still too early for that. I will go now. Wish me luck."

Wang Ji nodded and I made my way back to the mortal realm, back to Wei Ying.

It was early in the morning when I entered the house. I was excited to see Wei Ying again which might have been a little overly dramatic considering that for me it was been only a little more than half a day since I last saw him.

I was about to enter his bedroom, believing he was still sleeping this early in the day. But then I heard strange noises coming from the direction of the bathroom. The door was open and when I approached the room I heard Wei Ying moaning.

"Wei Ying?" I called him worriedly and run inside only to find him crouched on the floor, holding his stomach and throwing up. "Wei Ying!"

He looked up once he heard me and a smile appeared on his pale face. "You are back."

"Yes, I am back. Sorry that it took so long. What is going on? What happened to you? Are you sick?"

"A little." He answered and I helped him when he wanted to get up.

"Don't worry. I will bring you to your bed and call for a doctor."

Wei Ying chuckled. "Did you forget that I am a doctor too? Well, not a real one yet, but I know enough to say that this is nothing serious. I probably only caught the flu or something. Nothing to worry about."

"Wei Ying, you being sick is enough for me to worry. We should call a doctor and-"

"Lan Huan, I just need some medical soup and a lot of rest."


Wei Ying rolled his eyes. "No buts, Lan Huan. Stop worrying over nothing. How about this? I will rest and drink medicine and if it doesn't get better in a week, we will call a doctor. Okay?"

'Not okay!' I thought but didn't want to fight with him so I just agreed. "Let me help you to bed. Tell me what to do and I will make the medicine for you."

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