Chapter 29: Reunited

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Back again with a rather short chapter this time ... ^^

Hope you enjoy it nevertheless  <3 <3

Wei Ying's POV

"What did Wen Ning mean by that?" Wang Ji asked me after Wen Ning left and I entered the bathroom. Wang Ji followed me and watched me as I took off my garments and climbed into the bathtub. I looked up and reached out for him, signalizing him to join me.

Wang Ji then climbed into the tub as well, without even bothering to take off his clothes. He joined me and pulled me in front of him. I leaned back, cuddled into his chest, and closed my eyes, letting out a long and relieved sigh.

His hands wrapped around me and I felt his cheeks on my left ear. "What did you do, my love?"

Of course, I told him about the self-reflection of Lan Huan as well as my punishment for him. Thinking about what I did to Lan Huan, albeit I thought he deserved it, I still felt guilty. I more or less destroyed a perfect body for revenge.

"Punishment, my love. Not revenge."

"But I can't stop feeling it was more revenge than punishment. I feel ... bad about it."

"Don't. You don't have to feel bad. There is a thin line between punishment and revenge. But what you did is obviously for punishment."

"How can one determine that? What is the difference?" I wanted to know because of what happened I wasn't sure about it anymore.

"Punishment is rational, revenge is emotional." He said. "You did that to him because it was a crime, it was wrong and he knew that. You didn't do that to inflict pain on him just to let out all your frustration and anger, to enjoy seeing him in pain. You even feel bad for what you did. You just wanted him to remember his actions and to prevent him from going even more astray."

"Do you think he knows? Your father, does he know?"


"But why-?"

"My father knows you enough to know you wouldn't have done something like this if my brother didn't do anything wrong. Because my brother is the beloved crown prince of everyone, he wouldn't have gotten a punishment. No one would have dared to punish him. Not even my father. Maybe he tried to make amends by not revealing anything or maybe he thought this was a better outcome than having rumors circling. I hope father knows that his way of dealing with this is wrong. Maybe he does but he thinks he has no other way."

I heard him sighing and hugging me tighter. "I thought I knew my father and my brother but... I guess I was wrong. I know that within a royal family things are differently handled than within a normal family but..." He shook his head and I turned around to him.

"You are not like them." I touched his cheeks and softly pecked his lips. "You are different."

"I love you, Wei Ying." He kissed me back and I drowned in it. I didn't know how long we sat there kissing but my lips were pretty swollen once we stopped. "We should finish the bath...." He mumbled and I had to chuckle.

"Don't you have to get rid of your garments first?" I didn't say that to provoke him or anything, it was just a matter of fact, yet I heard a quiet but very deep growl coming from him.

"My love, I was trying to not jump on you the moment we were back together but you are not making it easy for me." He gave me a passionate kiss which left me breathless as I forgot to breathe through my nose.

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