Chapter 15: Pain

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This chapter was quite difficult to write.... especially with all the emotions... but I think I managed to write them down quite well. If not... I am sorry ^^

Please enjoy <3 <3 <3

Wei Ying's POV

It was hard to keep my eyes open. Not because I was tired but because Lan Huan didn't leave my side for even one second. That was what I wanted before. He stayed with me, spending time with me instead of doing his royal duties. I wished for that more than anything else.

But not anymore.

I wanted him to leave me, let me be alone so I could mourn the death of my daughter, mourn the loss of my love and relationship with Lan Huan. But how could I make him understand to leave me alone without letting him know that I knew about his betrayal?

It might sound stupid and I couldn't quite understand why I was like that but... I didn't want him or anyone to know that I found out.

"Wei Ying...." Lan Huan called me but I kept my eyes shut. His voice was making me angry, it made me realize what I lost in the last couple of days. He was genuinely worried about me. His voice told me he loved me and was worried about me. It told me everything his aura would have if I would have looked at him. But I couldn't. Not now. I knew if I looked at him... everything would be over.

So I ignored him and listened to the soft tunes of Wang Ji's zither instead. He was playing it nonstop for the last few days. He did it not only because he knew how much I liked to listen to him, but he did it also because the doctor said that it would help keep my emotions down. Lan Huan also begged Wang Ji to play for me to help me feel better. It sounded a little different than usual because this time he used his spiritual power while playing.

The thing was....

I had every right to be sad, to be mad, to be enraged... It was my right!

But with Wang Ji playing his zither I wasn't allowed to feel these emotions. I knew he didn't play for me just because the doctor advised or Lan Huan begged him to, he did it because he wanted to help me. Because he was worried about me. I always sneaked a looked at him when I was sure that Lan Huan was asleep. Wang Ji's aura was dark grey for days and it didn't change at all.

"Your highness?" Someone called and I felt Lan Huan moving towards that voice.

"What?" He sounded weak and disinterested.

"His Majesty called for you. There seems to be a situation at his palace."

"So? What does that have to do with me?" Lan Huan asked and I felt him turning back to me, "Tell him I don't have energy or time to worry about someone else than my consort."


"Leave at once!"

"Y-yes, your highness...." The servant gave in and I heard him leave.

I knew he was fighting with the emperor a lot in the last days and I also knew that it was because he was with me instead of Wen Qing. I knew that it wasn't Lan Huan's idea for his cheating on me but the truth is, he gave in. He could have rejected the idea, he could have rejected the emperor and he could have rejected Wen Qing but he didn't. He would probably say he had no other way because his father told him to do so for an heir but I knew better.

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