Chapter 18: Dreams and feelings...

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The new chapter is here :) 

Let's go straight into it. 

Please enjoy <3 <3

3 years later

Wei Ying's POV

"Your Highness, you should go to bed. It's long past midnight." Wen Ning reminded me again.

"If you are tired, go to bed, Wen Ning. I don't need anything and you need sleep."

"You too, your highness. You haven't slept much the last couple of weeks and it can be seen on your face."

I chuckled. "That bad?" As honest as Wen Ning was he nodded with a serious face making me laugh.

"This is not funny, your highness." Wen Ning frowned. "Lack of sleep can be dangerous for your health."

"I know but I can't help it. I just can't sleep." I answered with a smile. I tried to sound as honest as possible...

... because it was a lie. Of course, I could sleep. I just had to close my eyes and soon I would fall asleep. But that is exactly what I was scared of. Falling asleep was not the problem, it was the dreams I had every time I did. I was scared of those dreams because the more often I dream them the more detailed they became. And it all started with this one dream I had in Wang Ji's garden three years ago.

Now, these dreams became more frequent and that scared me. Almost every night, once I closed my eyes and fell asleep, I would dream of Wang Ji and me. What happened in those dreams .... I couldn't even speak about them to Wen Ning. Because it was a fact that those dreams were wrong. Wang Ji was my brother-in-law, for god's sake! I might not be in an actual relationship with Lan Huan anymore after he betrayed me but we were still married and that wouldn't change until the day I die.

Having naughty dreams itself wasn't wrong. Albeit I thought that I, with my 35 years should be ashamed to still have them. How could I be as daring as to have those kinds of dreams? With Wang Ji no less?

That wasn't even the worst part. Whatever I dreamed during the night will have an impact on my body and when I woke up the next morning, everyone could see what kind of dream I had.

Wen Ning found me a couple of times in this condition. He never said anything nor did he react. He just changed my bed sheets and that was it. But I still felt uncomfortable.

But what scared me the most was that once I met Wang Ji during the day, my feelings are going crazy. I would be reminded of the dreams and I couldn't act naturally in front of him anymore. So the best thing I could do was avoid him and hope that my feelings and dreams would calm down and stop. And I did avoid him for about a week now.

Did it help? Not at all. If all it got worse and now I decided to not sleep at all.

I knew that these feelings were wrong. How could I catch feelings for my brother-in-law? When did it even happen? Was it because I spent so much time with him while I was avoiding Lan Huan? Wasn't that wrong? Wasn't that unfair? What will others think if they find out!?

I groaned and pulled my hair in frustration. 'These thoughts need to stop! These feelings need to stop!'

"Your highness?" Wen Ning's worried voice brought me back to reality.

"Wen Ning, I will go out for a walk!" I decided and got up.

"At this hour? Alone?" He frowned and shook his head. "I will accompany you."

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