Chapter 1: Your choice is...?

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Here we go with the first chapter. I hope it turned out well :) 

Enjoy it  <3 <3

Lan Huan's POV

"Court is dismissed!" The emperor announced and the ministers slowly left one after the other. In the end, it was only I left.

"Father, why did you want me to stay behind? Did something happen?" I asked my father, the emperor of the heavenly realm.

"Not necessarily. I just want to talk to you about your future. Look at your age, Lan Huan. It's time to settle down, don't you think?"

"I am still very young, father." I laughed. "I remember that you married my mother when you were over 80.000 years old."

"That might be true but I already had a few concubines at the age of 2.000. My harem is still filled. You, on the other hand, have no one yet. At least no one you want to marry. I already have my hands full regarding your brother's future. I don't want to worry about yours as well. You are the crown prince, Lan Huan. Don't forget that you have your duties."

"I know, father, and I will not neglect my duties. Not now or in the future. If I find the right one, I will get married instantly."

"What is about the princess of the beast realm? Or the twin princesses in the ghost realm? I know you and them are on good terms." Father said with raised brows. "I also heard the daughter of our prime minister fancies you."

"Father, please. I will take care of everything. I know you worry about me but there is no need."

Father sighed. "As I know your abilities regarding your work as the crown prince I know I can trust you. But I am your father and worry about you. Also, I am the emperor of this realm and need to make sure you will abide by your duties. Anyway...." He stood up from his throne and stepped down the stairs.

"Father, is there something else?"

"Do you happen to know what your brother is doing every day? It's been a while since I saw him..."

I had to smile. "Wang Ji is doing fine, of course. I visit him frequently and he is mostly reading or playing with his bunnies. He loves them a lot and I enjoy it seeing him so carefree." I answered and looked at my father. Is there something you are worried about?

"Hmm... your brother is only surrounded by his bunnies every day. He has no servants around him. Except for you, he does not interact with humans at all, Lan Huan...."

"Daiyu is still with him, father. And even if not, why are you so worried?"

"Daiyu is the only one next to him and because it's your mother's maid. I didn't pay attention to him as I know Daiyu is something like a second mother to your brother taking care of him as if he was her own but I heard she is sick for a while now. The doctor said it is nothing serious and all she had to do was take care of herself. I intend to send her to the water realm to recover her health and thought about sending Wang Ji with her."

"What!? He never was outside the palace except for the mortal realm, father! Moreover, he won't go with her and leave his bunnies alone. He loves them way too much."

"If it's just the bunnies, he could take them with him. There is enough space for them. I know that he won't agree to it easily so I ask you to talk to him. If someone can persuade him, that it's you. You love each other dearly. The bond existing between the two of you... even I am jealous."

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