Chapter 27: A dream turns into a nightmare

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A round of applause for me for being able to update on time :) 

As I warned you, this will be the saddest chapter ... 

Enjoy reading... or not... 

Wei Ying's POV

"Did you sleep well, Your Highness?" Wen Ning asked after he stayed in the bathroom for a while to prepare my bath. He asked me this question every morning.

I moaned in annoyance and fell back on the mattress.

"Does that mean no?" Wen Ning tilted his head and looked at me in confusion. "Since his Highness, the second prince left for the mortal realm you don't seem to get a good rest. Do you want me to prepare some tonic tonight?"

"No." I sighed. "All I need is Wang Ji."

Wen Ning smiled and pulled away the blanket. "It's been two weeks only, your Highness. He will come back."

"Two weeks are long, Wen Ning. Every night I dream about him...."

"Isn't it a good thing? At least that way you see him. Anyway, your dreams don't seem to be.... hmm... as bad as before."

"What do you mean?!" I asked and felt my cheeks burning up.

"You know what I mean." He laughed and tried to pull me up.

"My mind and body know it's just a dream. That is why I don't... you know...." I sighed and stopped fighting against Wen Ning and let him pull me up. "I am happy that I see him at least in my dream but that makes me miss him more... When you do think he will come back?"

"I don't know, your Highness. I have no information about what happens in the mortal realm. I know that you miss him but remember that prince Wang Ji is suffering more as there is a huge time difference in the mortal realm. For you, it was only two weeks but for him, it's been a little over a year."

"I know...." I sighed for the third time this morning.

"Now stop pitying yourself and go take a bath. I will prepare the breakfast."

"Thank you..." I signaled him to go and left for the bathroom. Once I sat in the hot water I relaxed a little.

'Only two weeks, huh..' I thought and closed my eyes. 'Why does it feel like it has been much longer?'

I knew that for Wang Ji it has been much longer but I couldn't help but feel so lonely and have the urge to complain the whole day. I bet Wen Ning was already annoyed with me asking him every day when Wang Ji would come back.

I was missing him so much, I thought I would go insane any moment. I loved seeing him once I close my eyes but dreams and reality were different. Even my body knew that as he wouldn't react as strongly as before no matter how intense my dreams would be.

I looked down and tried to stare at my manhood which was impossible considering the water and the bubbles. I thought that I probably wasn't able to get much of a reaction out of it unless I was with Wang Ji. As embarrassing as it was, two days after he left, I tried to touch myself because I missed him so much. My heart raced like crazy but it took me quite a while to release because my whole body was used to someone else.

"Wait until you are back, Wang Ji," I mumbled, took a deep breath, and dived under the water.

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