Chapter 24: My deepest secret

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I hope you enjoy this new chapter <3 <3

Wei Ying's POV

I have been gently woken up by his kisses. I kept my eyes close, wanting to stay like this for a little longer. I heard a soft chuckle telling me he knew I was awake and smiled at him. His lips wandered to my closed eyes and kissed them one of the other.

"Good morning, my love." He whispered and nudged my cheeks with his nose. This one sentence defeated my decision to keep my eyes closed. So I opened them and was greeted with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen on his face.

"Good morning." I pulled him down for a morning kiss which ended up more than just a kiss. Our tongues played hide and seek and my hands ended up in his disheveled hair until Wang Ji took them away, pressing them down on the blanket next to my head, and intertwining our fingers.

Soon his lips left mine and wandered down my neck toward my chest. I leaned up to him, trying to close the distance between him and me, and enjoyed everything he did to me.

Sometime later he pecked my lips one last time before leaning back to watch me. Not once did I try to escape his gaze. I had no reason for that. So I gave him a bright smile which was returned immediately.

He took my hand and lifted it up, moving it towards his lips while his eyes watched me. That moment was the first time I noticed the change in our auras. It was not unusual that two auras looked the same, especially ours, as we both loved each other. But what surprised me was the red string-like muster that wasn't there before.

The red line started in the middle of my aura and it looked like it was wrapping itself all around me before reaching out for Wang Ji, pulling him closer, wrapping itself all around him, and disappearing in the middle. When one of us moved, the strings moved as well. It was fascinating.

I couldn't know for sure what that means but I had an idea. 'We are tied together. Wang Ji is mine now. I belong to him....' I thought and widened my eyes in surprise seeing the strings glow up the moment Wang Ji kissed me. I smiled against his lips and wrapped my arms around him.


"I love you," I mumbled before turning the soft kiss into a passionate one. Wang Ji pressed himself on me as he returned the kiss just as hungrily as I.

"I love you more, Wei Ying."

I thought that we would stay like this for a long time, cuddling each other, kissing each other, and loving each other, but noises outside the room made us remember where we were.

We had to stop and got dressed quickly.

"Let's go home." Wang Ji said and held out his hand which I took immediately. Before we left, we both turned to the statue of the goddess and apologized for our inappropriate behavior.

I could have sworn I heard a burst of soft laughter filling my ears.

We landed back in Wang Ji's garden out of nowhere making the bunnies jump away in shock. I looked out for Wen Ning and found him not far away playing with a few fluffy snowballs who seemed to enjoy the attention they got from him. I wasn't sure if he noticed that we left. Probably not.

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