Chapter 31: Two boys

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I almost was done with editing this chapter and then everything got deleted!!! I mean, the story is not the problem as I have saved it up on my computer but my comments at the beginning and the end ... IT'S ALL FUCKING GONE!!! I AM SO PISSED!!! 

So here I will try once FUCKING again: 

I am back y'all!!

I feel a lot better than yesterday and therefore this chapter did not end up as short as I thought it would be. 

Apropos short: The next chapter will already be the last one of this story.... of course, an epilogue will follow.

But enough of that, let's get straight to the new chapter. I hope you will enjoy <3 <3

Wei Ying's POV

"Are you ready?" Wang Ji asked me and I frowned.

"To leave with you? Yes! To attend this stupid banquet? No!"

"Happy birthday, my love." He whispered in my ear and I sighed.

"What is there to congratulate me for? I am 37 years old today. That is nothing to celebrate."

Wang Ji caressed my cheeks and kissed each of them alternately before his lips met mine, softly pressing against each other. "I don't care about your age, my love. So you shouldn't either."

I didn't say anything to that. In the past, I was like that too. Not caring about my age and ready to leave this world someday as it was destined to be. But ever since I had Wang Ji with me, that changed. For the first time, I was scared to die. I didn't want to leave Wang Ji at all. I wanted to stay with him for eternity.

Just thinking how I would age, get wrinkles, and start to walk slowly... I would be older, uglier, and wouldn't be able to give myself to Wang Ji. At least not the way I was doing now.

"Stop thinking whatever you are thinking right now, my love. Stop frowning."

"Why?" I asked him. "Do you even know what I am thinking?"

"Knowing, no, but I have an idea." He kissed me deeper. "I love you now and forever. That will never change. Stop thinking about the future but only live in the here and now. With me."

"I love you too, Wang Ji. I love you so much..." I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss even more. It hasn't been long since we left the bathroom after loving each other rather wildly, yet I couldn't get enough of this man.

His hands wrapped around my hips and he pulled me closer, our bodies colliding and the both of us moaned into the kiss. The kiss deepened even more and I was ready to forget about the banquet and just pull Wang Ji back to the bedroom when we heard Wen Ning clear his voice.

"I.... I am sorry, your Highnesses. But the banquet will start any moment... they are already w-waiting for you." He said awkwardly and jumped from one leg onto the other.

I was about to ignore him but Wang Ji pulled back. He frowned, his eyes darkened as well as his aura. For a moment I thought he was mad at Wen Ning and so I wanted to soothe him but when he kept staring at the front door where a knock sounded out of nowhere, I understood his mood.

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