Chapter 25: The heir is sick

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This chapter is a little shorter than the others. I hope you don't mind ^^

The next one will be longer again :) 

I hope you enjoy <3 <3 <3

Wei Ying's POV

A few weeks later

I stretched myself once I woke up. Usually, I would find Wang Ji next to me but today that wasn't the case. I wasn't disappointed because I knew that the only reason he wasn't here this morning was due to a session at the court. For a few days, these meetings happened often because something happened in the beast realm.

I stretched myself once more before getting up. Even before my feet touch the ground Wen Ning entered the room and wished me good morning before entering the bathroom to let in a bath.

Sometime later I was sitting in the hot water enjoying my time while cleaning myself. As I couldn't reach my back I called for Wen Ning to help me but instead of him, it was Wang Ji who entered. My back was facing him so I didn't see him coming in but when his hands were slowly and carefully washing my back, I knew it was him.

"Good morning, your Highness," I said with a smile and earned soft kisses on my back.

"Good morning, my love." He kept washing my back until I thought it was enough. I turned around and without caring that he was fully clothed, I pulled him into the hot water. He wasn't angry, of course. He just smiled and pulled me in for a kiss.

"I missed you," I mumbled and he deepened the kiss as an answer. I moaned into it and sighed when he freed my lips.

"I am sorry I wasn't with you when you woke up."

I shook my head. "I don't mind. You do your duty. You might not be here with your body but I know you are with me with your heart and mind." I answered and got myself pressed against the wall of the bathtub.

"Mhn..." He pecked my lips and nudged his nose with mine. I couldn't help but smile and pull him into a passionate morning kiss. Once we both were satisfied we leaned back and cuddled.

"Did something happen in the beast realm? Why is there a meeting every morning?"

"Follower of the late king of the beast realm tried to assassinate the current king. They failed and are now hiding."

"Where?" I asked worriedly. Ever since I heard about the story of the mortal twins and their babies, I disliked the beast realm. I knew that what happened back then was still the time when the late king reigned but still...

"We don't know. That is the problem. The followers of the late king are aggressive and killed a few innocent people while trying to get to the current king. Now they have disappeared and are hiding. Because everyone knows they are dangerous, the current king asked for help from every realm. That is why we have so many meetings."

"How high is the possibility that they can enter the heavenly realm?" I wanted to know and felt Wang Ji gently caressing my arms.

"0%" He answered. "Don't worry, Wei Ying. They won't be able to enter the heavenly nor the other realms. No one wants a war so no one will harbor these followers and help them hide."

I knew that once there was a possibility of a war, everyone, especially the emperor would try his best to find a solution so that a war would not happen. Like it happened with the ghost realm. Because the ghost realm thought they were treated unfairly as well as due to the revolt in the fire realm, there were about to go to war. Not because they wanted to but because they thought that was the only option to get heard. But after my second daughter, Lan Zemin, went to the ghost realm and would marry one of the princes once she turned 17, that would be in less than a year, the ghost realm retreated.

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