Chapter 10: Wedding and a newborn princess

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I woke up early today so I had enough time to edit and upload this new chapter. 

Hope you enjoy it :) 

Wei Ying's POV

When we arrived back at the royal palace I turned to Lan Huan and pulled him closer.

"Lan Huan, I don't need two servants, and especially do I not want a woman to ... serve me."

"She is a servant, Wei Ying. I am sure she is used to such work. It's nothing bad to be served by a female servant."

"You may be used to it because you grew up like that and probably was served by females your whole life but I don't want a woman to see me without clothes. That is just... it's more than just embarrassing."

"And with a male servant, it isn't?" Lan Huan asked amused and I frowned.

"It is... but he is a man too. He has what I have. Anyway! I bought Wen Ning's sister because they were mistreating her and Wen Ning wanted to save her as well. I didn't buy her because I wanted her to serve me. Can't you find her someone else to serve?"

Lan Huan chuckled. "Well, I am sure the other servants at the court can use every help to arrange the wedding."

"She is a woman. You want her to do hard labor?"

"Look at her. She seemed to be strong, at least stronger than her brother. I don't think she will consider it hard work." He answered and turned to the Wen siblings.

"Wen Ning, as of today you will be in charge of my consort. Serve him well." He announced and Wen Ning looked at me.

"I will ... I will do my best." He answered. His sister whispered something and Wen Ning suddenly bowed. "I am sorry, your highness. Forgive my rudeness. Of course, I will serve you well."

"Ah, no. You... It's okay." I stuttered. 'It seems I can still guide him so he won't be as politely as he is right now. At least not when we are alone...' I thought while trying not to frown at the words your highness.

"And you, Wen Qing, will help the other servants in arranging the wedding." Lan Huan said and gave one of the servants who escorted a sign. "Bring her to the court and assign her work."

"Yes, your highness." The servant bowed and turned to Wen Qing.

"I won't serve you, your highness?" She asked me and I shook my head.

"I don't need more than one servant. Wen Ning is enough. Of course, you two can meet. I won't forbid that if that is what you are worried about."

"Thank you, your highness. I am very grateful you saved us today. We will work hard to repay your kindness" She bowed and turned to her brother. "Don't worry too much. I will be nearby." Wen Ning nodded and walked up to me. He seemed to be a very shy and young, I shouldn't get confused by his look. He is immortal and definitely a lot older than me.

"Alright. Take her to the others. Don't make her do too hard work. She is still a woman." Lan Huan told the servant who nodded and lead Wen Qing away.

"Your highness." A servant approached Lan Huan. "Greetings, your highnesses." He bowed to both of us and I was about to get a headache.

"I will go back to our chambers, Lan Huan. I am tired." The moment I finished my sentence Lan Huan took my hands in his.

"Are you feeling unwell? Want me to call the doctor?" He asked me worriedly and I shook my head.

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