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Now, the long-awaited epilogue is finally here. 

First, I wanted to add a scenario with Wang Ji but thought it didn't fit so I decided against it. Anyway, I still hope you enjoy it :)

Have fun <3 <3

3rd POV

Baoshan Sanren stood in front of the lake and while looking into the clear blue water she seemed to wait for something. Or rather, wait for someone. Not soon after, another seer approached her and the lake, in her hands a small white crystal vase.

"I brought him here, senior sister." A young seer, who ascended to the divine realm only recently, cheered as she bowed to her leader.

Baoshan Sanren turned around and smiled. "There he is...."

"Senior sister, may I ask why he is so special?"

"Oh, but isn't that obvious? Someone who was not supposed to be born was born and even had a fate. If people are born who are not supposed to, they never have a fate. Their lives will turn out unpredictable and even the goddesses can't see anything."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"For the goddesses who maintain peace in the word it can be quite a trouble. If someone with fate gets involved with someone who has none, it could change their fate. Just passing by is one thing but what if they were not supposed to meet but still did and even fell in love? Or what if someone without fate kills someone with fate? It would interrupt the flow, especially if they were not fated to die so early."

"That is...."

"Quite complicated, I know." Baoshan Sanren chuckled. "That is why not many people without fate exist. And our boy right here...." She took the small white crystal vase into her hand and stroked over the lid.

"He still had a fate despite everything else. And I have to be honest. Not only the goddesses are fond of him. I too am. Maybe more than I should."

"Are there many people like him, senior sister?"

"No, none. He is the first one and probably the only one." Baoshan Sanren said and looked up when another seer approached them.

"Senior sister, junior sister." She bowed respectfully while holding another crystal vase in her hands. It differed from the one in Baoshan Sanren's hand only in color. While Baoshan Sanren held a white vase, the newcomer held a black one.

Baoshan Sanren nodded respectfully.

"Senior sister, may I ask why the colors are different?" The young and newly ascended seer asks curiously.

"Because this soul just returned from thousands of years of cleaning." She answered and looked at the seer who held the black vase. "You may release the soul into the lake."

"Is that alright, senior sister?" She asked and looked at the vase in her hand. "He is quite dangerous. He killed so many people... is it alright to let him return to the world?"

"My dear sister, if your junior sister would have asked me this, it would have been alright because she is new and doesn't know anything yet. You, however, are a seer for many many years and know the rules and how everything works. You are not supposed to judge people for their past crimes when they underwent a thorough cleaning of their soul and even the goddesses gave him another chance."

"I am sorry, senior sister. I was wrong."

"Yes, you were. I want you to release the soul into the Lake of Rebirth, bring back the vase and then return to your chambers, reflect on your mistake and come out once you truly understood your wrongdoings."

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