Chapter 12: Something changed

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This chapter is shorter than usual but I think you will still like it ^^

Enjoy <3 <3

Wei Ying's POV

I was annoyed. For the first time in 16 years, I was seriously annoyed with Lan Huan. I understood that he had his duties but he should make some time for me as well. He was not an emperor yet but a crown prince. Even if his father was sick, was he more important than me? This might have sounded a little selfish but it's true.

I was his consort after all! I should be just as important as his duties. Or not? I couldn't believe that there are others out there who want to be a consort or the empress. How would they be happy if their husband had no time for them?

Yes, Lan Huan came back every night. He said that no matter how busy he was during the day, he would always come back home for the night. Call me selfish but that was by far not enough. It was not like I had unlimited time I could spend with him!

Moreover, his behavior in the last weeks was not normal. He was ... strange. I knew he fought a lot with his father. I didn't know about what but it must have been because of all the work Lan Huan has to do. If the emperor can fight with his son, he should be able to reign in the heavenly realm.

I tried to talk with Lan Huan, I told him that I wanted him to spend more time with me. He said he understood and promised that things would change again once his father recovered. But when was that? I am not the youngest anymore and I don't have as much time as he has!

And then there was his aura. Seeing it made me upset because it showed clearly that he felt guilty. I guessed his aura was the only thing that hindered me from picking a fight with him. But feeling guilty about the treatment he gave me was not enough to calm me down. It needed more than that to make me stop feeling this annoyed.

"Wei Ying."

I turned to Wang Ji who approached me with his usual handsome smile. Because I didn't want to spend my time alone at my palace waiting for Lan Huan who would only come in the evening, I made it a habit to spend my time with Wang Ji and the bunnies because here I felt the happiest.

Wen Ning was somewhere at the lake trying to hide from quite a lot of bunnies which had an odd fascination with him, especially in the last weeks. Whenever they spotted him they couldn't leave him alone. I found that quite amusing.

"Want some?" He asked me and held a plate of pastries in front of me.

"No." I frowned and he tilted his head in confusion.

"But weren't these your favorite?"

"They taste amazing and I love to eat them but..." I looked at the pastry which had the shape of roses and frowned even more. "I don't like roses."

"You liked them before...."

I looked at him and couldn't help but smile. "You... sometimes I think you know me even better than Lan Huan."

Wang Ji blushed a little and looked away for a moment before looking back at me. "So why did you start to dislike roses?"

'I don't know...' I thought and frowned again. Maybe because seeing and especially smelling roses reminds me of how Lan Huan had no time for me. He would always come back from the court and had the smell of roses on him which was kind of weird because as far as I remembered no roses were growing at the court.

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